Status: Some language but not you haven't heard before

Another one bites the dust....

chapter 4

As quickly as it registered in my brain that there is now a chance of escape I bolted out that door as quick as I could. I started to run out of the school gates and towards the housing estate. I ran as fast as I could especially when I could hear the heavy footsteps coming up fast behind me, and running through the big green field that separated Calvin Senior High School and Richmond housing estate I quickly turned my head and looked back, it was only then that the real fear set in. There must of been about twenty when there was really only maybe ten. All big, strong and scary as hell! In the very front I saw George and he looked like someone just robbed his favorite toy and was never going to give it back to him. I soon realized that I was his favorite toy and I was running away, I didn’t care! I looked back in front of me and then fell over my own two left stupid feet! I started cursing myself for my own stupidity. I then heard George shouting to me “Your dead freak! I’m going to give you a knuckle sandwich!” I got up as fast as I could and kept on running. After a minute or so I reached the estate and started to run in the general direction of safety meaning my home or someone, anyone I didn’t care who it was just as long as they could protect me and stop George.
I had reached the big roundabout in the middle of the estate and I looked back again to see no-one; I couldn’t see George or Ryan or even Aiden, nobody. I stopped running and stood in the middle of the big roundabout. I checked my watch, it was half four. The street should have been busy but strangely it was very quiet, not a person or even a bird or cat in sight. It un-nerved me very much, I could feel the small hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I shivered, there was a slight breeze in the air and it made the small garden gates swing, they squeaked with the lack of oil on the hinges.
I turned back around, checking again to see if George or Aiden or maybe even Ryan were any where behind me, when I was sure that nobody was behind me I started to run. I ran a little further and while running across the street, it was then that I heard it. I turned my head in time to see bright lights coming towards me and the loud noise of a car horn, then … nothing. I flinched and then I slowly opened my eyes it was just so quiet again. I was confused, I then turned around slowly and only a few feet away from me, I saw the headlights of the car that was crashed into a pole and lying on the ground, I saw myself. I was surprised and shocked, I looked down to the ground and could see a light coming from behind me, I turned and a bright golden light shone, welcoming me in. I stood and thought to myself, I looked back at my body and knew that if I went back into my body, my life would just go back to the way it was before, but maybe it would be better if I went into the light. I stood there and smiled and found myself smiling, happy for the first real time in my life.
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