

See how the liquid slides along the sides of the vial, Dr. Reid? It’s strange to think that something as small and insignificant as this clear glass bottle could mean so much to a person. It means a lot to you, though, doesn’t it? Or at least it used to. You aren’t dependent anymore, or so you say anyway. A separate being, immune to the siren’s call of the drug. I’m not fooled. This vial in your hand isn’t fooled either. Hell, even you aren’t completely convinced that you’ve kicked the habit yet. And you probably never will be.

Oh, you’re putting it down now. Are you? No, it’s right back where it was before, lying cool and smooth against your palm. The vial looks so innocent and unassuming, but you know what it really does. You’ve unlocked its secret many times before, more times than you’d care to admit to anyone.
Have the demons been pestering you again, Dr. Reid? Do you wake up gasping for air after only minutes of sleep from the nightmares of your mistakes? You crave it then, in those times of sadness and fear. You want the vial empty, its contents flowing freely in your veins. Oh how ashamed you’d have been if you gave in.

But you want to give in, partially. There are times when you wonder why you ever stopped using in the first place. So what if it’s detrimental to your health, if you feel better why stop?

Are you picking up the phone? Go ahead, do it, call a friend and cram your suffering down their throat. Like they don’t already have things they have to deal with, they do have lives you know. Do you really need them? You’re a grown boy now, Dr. Reid; you can resolve your own issues.

There’s your hand, inching towards the receiver. Almost there. You pulled back your hand, Dr. Reid. And you were so close to reaching out. Do you know why you decided against your actions? Because you’re tired of being the weak one of the group. You’re tired of being dependent on the people around you, the people you work with. It’s time that you became a man and learned to take care of yourself, now isn’t it?

To begin, though, you will need a little help. Even the smartest and toughest of men need a small push in the beginning, there’s no denying that. The vial can be that help, you know. And when that vial is long gone all you have to do is find some more. You still remember how to find it, don’t you? What a stupid question, of course you do.

What’s that now? You think you’re weak? No, no, Dr. Reid, you’re anything but. You should understand this by now. You’ve admitted you need this and are willing to try. That doesn’t sound like a weak man to me.

So, what do you say? You can stay like this, miserable, weak, or you can put this vial to good use. After all, I’ve heard it’s very efficacious in the curing of demons.