Status: A little twilight fan fiction



We arrived at home and Henri was standing there waiting.
me:what's the matter?
Henri:go get dressed look nice!
Henri:the Cullens invited us to their house for dinner.
John:oh good lord
Henri:go now move it!
me:what ever captain!
Henri scoffed at us and what we chose.
Henri:you know if you guys really wanted to fit in the appearance needs to be toned down
Maren:yes but we have nothing to town down.
Henri:good point
We drove to the Cullen house I was impressed the house looked better at night. Alice opened the door opening with a hello. She brought us towards the dining room and we sat down as the food reached the table. Carlisle said grace and we ate in silence. I felt a jolt of pain go through my hands. I looked at Maren and John who gave me the same stare. We all looked at Henri and he gave us a shocked face meaning if we don't get out now our hands will be glowing and we'll be in pain and then we'll have to move again.
Maren&Adalyn&John:can we be excused.
Esme:sure darlings.
Acting normal required walking out the door but we ran. All the way home to the box. My hands didn't reach and we were all on the floor in deep pain. I felt as my bones were being ripped apart. I saw Henri's figure and he put our hands on the box. I felt weak very weak. I healed myself to the point where i can hold myself up unlike my siblings I had to carry Maren and Henri took John. We reached the table that held the Cullens curious stares. We sat down until the dinner was over. As we walked out the door Bella looked at my leg making me tuck it under the other. I waved as they became smaller and smaller.