Status: A little twilight fan fiction


4.Lorics Vs. Vampires

I was in class thinking about Lorien. Blue sky, the sun beating down , a sun almost double the size of Earth's. A warm, soft wind blows through my hair. Down below , rivers forge deep ravines that cut through greenery. I am floating above one of them. Animals of all shapes and sizes some longer and slender, some with short arms and stout bodies. This is Lorien. I am rushed out of my thoughts by the feeling I'm being watched. I look out the window and see Bernie Kosar/Hadley is a Chimaera from Lorien. Chimaeras have the power to morph into other animals or beasts. He has been following and protecting us since we lived in Paradise Springs.I tapped on Maren's shoulder and she looked out the window with excitement.The bell rang and we ran outside despite the human eye. I grabbed Bernie putting him in my back pack replacing my books with him. We got home and started training. I was walking alone in the woods cause I happened to enjoy the setting. I saw something move like a ghost my instinct told me to run, and i did breaking into a sprint.I thought I saw it coming towards me that caused me to use my telekinesis and break a couple of trees. I stopped running and something told me we are not the only supernatural in Forks.