Status: Complete!

Truck Stops and Statelines


Day Seven.

Kellin sat on the bed in the hotel room. Vic had been gone for four hours, but Kellin knew he would be back. Vic always came back. Besides, his bags were still stowed away in the corner of the room next to the bed. There was no way Vic would actually go and leave his stuff behind. No, any minute Vic would be walking back through that door and Kellin would be able to explain everything, even if it took him all night.

Those messages meant nothing. Truth is Paul was just a fling, a one night stand that he wanted to forget. After their time together, Kellin had told him that it was a mistake and he shouldn’t try contacting him again. It had worked for a while until recently when the older male started making his advances again; being a phone call in the middle of the night or random text messages at various hours of the day. He didn’t know why the sudden influx of communication, but it was starting to get on his nerves, and now, it had ruined his relationship.

Maybe Vic had overreacted a little bit, but there was no way Kellin would ever say that. He would let Vic go away and blow of some steam and when the boy returned, Kellin would let him yell, scream, do whatever he had to do to release his anger and then very calmly, he would explain everything in hopes that Vic would listen.

Four hours had gone by and for Kellin that was four hours too long. He could only imagine what Vic was doing out there; getting back at him and hooking up with a stranger? That thought was enough to make Kellin sick. Vic wouldn’t do something like that. Even when he was angry he was still smart. Kellin knew Vic well and he knew that right now his ex was off somewhere thinking and most likely crying.

Knowing that Vic was probably having a breakdown broke Kellin completely. When Vic would have his moments, which happened quite often and more frequently, he would always do his best to try and pick Vic up. It wasn’t much, but when Vic would have an episode, Kellin would hold him close and let him get out his emotions. Basically he would just be there because really that’s all Vic needed; someone to just be there.

It was that thought that had Kellin close to tears. The only thing Vic ever desired was someone to share his time with and Kellin couldn’t even do that. He had to push Vic away and practically abandon him. What kind of loving boyfriend did such a thing?

There was a sound in the parking lot, like a car swerving on gravel and Kellin shot up from his spot on the bed, not even bothering with looking out the window. Instead he ran to the door, throwing it open and nearly stumbling out in hopes of finding Vic.

Luck was on his side as his eyes came in contact with Vic’s familiar car. Kellin remained frozen in the doorway, unsure of what to do. A large part of him wanted to crash into Vic, enveloping him in a huge hug that would nearly crush his bones. The other part of him knew that Vic needed to be the one to come forward. He didn’t need to be overwhelmed.

Vic finally stepped out of the car and slowly made his way around the vehicle, the whole time his eyes never left the dirt covered driveway. He looked so sad and hurt and that was what made Kellin do what he did next.

“Vic,” his voice was soft as he walked out into the empty lot. Vic stopped mid-walk when he heard Kellin’s voice, his eyes slowly moving upwards, taking in Kellin’s form. They stared at each other for at least one whole minute before saying anything. Kellin took this time to move forward, never breaking their intense gaze. Once he was standing in front of Vic, his hands made their way to the other boy’s shoulders, rubbing them soothingly. “Please, let me explain.”

He thought Vic would push him away or at least flinch when he touched him, but instead he just sighed quietly and nodded, letting Kellin lead him back into the room. He remained quiet as they stepped inside, Kellin shutting the door behind them. The air was tense, Vic was still upset clearly, but he would let Kellin explain. He always had a way of blowing things out of proportion. He sat down on the bed, Kellin joining him seconds later.

“You wanted to clarify?” Vic said softly, breaking the silence that lingered in the room. He shifted awkwardly on the bed so he could better see Kellin. He looked just as bad, if not worse, than Vic. His hair was a mess, unwashed and unkempt, falling in his face. The brightness of his eyes now faded looking dull and lifeless, surrounded by redness that escalated down to his cheeks which were flushed a burning shade of red. He looked tired, worn, like he had been crying hard for a considerable amount of time.

Kellin nodded, taking Vic’s hands in his, thankful the other male didn’t pull away. He strained a bit at first but eventually gave in to Kellin’s warm touch. “Yes, you need to hear me out, okay? Please don’t interrupt or yell until I’m finished. I want you to get every word.”

Vic bit his lip in thought as if he were reconsidering doing this. Kellin was probably going to explain his hookups, Paul in particular and that wasn’t something Vic wanted to imagine. But he couldn’t say no. His curiosity burned inside of him and in all honesty, he wanted to know what Kellin had to say. “Okay.”

“So, you know I’ve been unfaithful…” Saying it stung because it only made it real. Of course it happened, but now bringing it out in the open made it official. “You know how many people and you know how many times. And you are aware that none of them ever meant anything to me. I made my mistakes and I regret everything that I’ve done.”

Vic swallowed hard, but nodded for Kellin to continue. “I know,” he whispered quietly. Kellin said he didn’t want him to interrupt, but he had to at least say that.

“If I could rewind time, I would never have left your side. I would have told you my problems and what I was feeling. I never would have abandoned you, Vic. I’m disgusted with myself for ever doing such things. You are absolutely perfect in every single way and you’re the only person I’ve ever wanted; since that very first day I laid eyes on you. The only man I’ve ever needed was you.”


“Please let me finish?” Kellin raised a finger to Vic’s lips hushing him. Reluctantly, Vic gave in, letting Kellin go on. “I was afraid of us. I know that sounds stupid, but it’s really the best way I can put it. You are this magnificent being with a bright future ahead of you and the ability to change the world. I, on the other hand, am nothing. I can’t compare to you, Vic. And I don’t want to drag you down or hold you back. You can do things I can’t even dream of doing. You’re amazing.”

“Stop,” Vic broke Kellin’s no interrupting rule, growing irritated with the way Kellin was constantly putting himself down. “Why do you do that, huh? Why do you always think less of yourself and assume that you’re not good for me? Kellin, I love you, I will always love you even when you’re a pain in my ass I still fucking love you. I know you have your problems and you’re always angry at the world, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting you and only you. Do you understand me?”

“I don’t know what to say,” Kellin was taken aback by Vic’s words. All along he had feared Vic would realize how much of a terrible person he was and decide to find someone new. He should have stopped, taken a look at their relationship, and realized that Vic saw Kellin as a masterpiece, he always had.

“Just continue, but stop belittling yourself, please.” Vic squeezed Kellin’s hands reassuringly, the action comforting both of them.

Vic’s encouragement gave Kellin more drive to finish his little confession. “Right, okay, skipping ahead.” He decided to skip the negative parts, knowing Vic would only get mad again, and went straight for the cheating and the night with Paul. “One night I was feeling down. You were out with your brother and his friends and you invited me to come, but I didn’t want to intrude. I know it had been awhile since you had seen them and I thought you deserved a night out without me clinging to you. But once you left, I felt lonely and the condo was empty. I didn’t like it and then I grew mad at myself for feeling so needy. I couldn’t just stick to you like glue, I had to give you your space and I wasn’t doing that. I don’t know how you didn’t grow sick of me. Anyway, you were gone, I was lonely, really missing you and hating myself for missing you so much, so I went to the club. The one next to the tattoo shop downtown, you know?” Why he felt the need to be specific, he didn’t know. “I ran into this guy, Paul, and we got pretty drunk. I won’t go into details, but I ended up leaving with him…”

Once again, Vic cringed at the thought of Kellin with another man. It angered him all over again and at that point, he wanted to stand up and slap Kellin across the face. How could he betray him in such a way?

But those feelings soon vanished as Kellin massaged Vic’s hands gently. “Baby, don’t get mad. Let me finish.”

Vic kept calm and allowed Kellin to finish speaking. “And then what?”

“And then I hated myself even more. I left, told him to never contact me again, and that was that. He’s been trying to get my attention for the past couple of weeks and I’ve ignored every single attempt. I swear on everything, Vic, I haven’t cheated recently. I promise you. Please, please believe me. I need you, Victor Fuentes. I love you so fucking much—why are you smiling?”

In just a matter of seconds Vic went from angry and hurt to ecstatic. He pulled his hands away from Kellin’s and threw his arms around the younger boy, falling into his lap as Kellin fell back slightly. “You said you love me.” Vic breathed, squeezing Kellin tighter. “That’s the first time you’ve said it in like a month.”

Kellin’s arms found their way around Vic’s waist, holding him close so he didn’t dare try to move. It didn’t register in his mind that he hadn’t said I love you in such a long time. Vic would ask and Kellin would respond with a simple yes or nod of his head, but he hadn’t actually said it.

“I do love you. More than you know.” Kellin breathed into Vic’s hair as he pulled him closer, both of them falling flat on the bed. “I’m sorry I don’t say it more. You should hear it every fucking day and I will make it my mission to make sure you know it.”


“Yeah, Vic?”

“I believe you.” The older boy pushed himself up so he was hovering over Kellin. Their faces just inches apart, Vic could smell the faint scent of Kellin’s cologne. He leaned forward, closing the space between them and pecked Kellin’s lips softly. “And I love you.”


“Disney World, the happiest place on Earth.” Kellin smiled as they entered the lot. It was a bright and sunny day, everything had been worked through and after a very busy night and rather eventful morning, they had made it to Orlando safely. “Which park are we going to first?”

“Uh, Animal Kingdom, duh.” Vic poked Kellin’s side, running ahead of him to the entrance. The park was packed, as it should be on a beautiful day such as this one, but when Kellin caught up to his boyfriend, grabbing his hand, Vic felt like the only person around. Kellin always managed to make him feel special, that had never changed.

“Have I told you that I love you lately?” Kellin whispered as he fell into step with Vic. They entered the park, Vic immediately lit up with joy. His eyes glowing with something Kellin hadn’t seen in a really long time.

“You told me five minutes ago, Kels.” Vic teased as he dragged Kellin through the entry. “But I don’t get tired of hearing it.”

“Good because I’m not going to stop saying it.” Kellin wrapped an arm around Vic’s waist, being mindful of children around that might stop and stare at them, asking their parents questions as to why two boys were being so close with each other. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He hummed into Vic’s ear before pulling away.

“Don’t ever forget it.” Vic smirked as they began to make their way around the park.


Magic Kingdom is the place to be when you want to finish your trip at Disney. It had been a long, but fun and entertaining day. The boys had managed to visit Animal Kingdom and Epcot before rounding out the day with Magic Kingdom. As they stood in front of the castle, waiting for fireworks, Kellin watched Vic. Everything about him was radiating. His smile, the look in his eyes, the way he just gave off a positive energy made Kellin feel weak in the knees.

This was right. This was how it was always supposed to be.

“You know I’m going to marry you one day, right?” Kellin whispered, his arms wrapping around Vic’s waist holding him tightly. He rested his head in the crook of Vic’s neck, finding comfort in his body heat.

“I know,” Vic smiled back, leaning into Kellin’s grasp. He felt so relaxed and calm, nothing compared to being in love, and nothing would ever come close. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Kellin placed a quick kiss on Vic’s neck. “Let me ask you something, though.” He stated quietly. “And don’t get mad.”


“Why me?” Kellin frowned just a bit. They were over Kellin’s insecurities for the most part, but there were still some things he had questions about.

Vic sighed, thinking over Kellin’s question. He had the perfect answer, one that should make Kellin shut up for good. “Because I’m in love with you. Flaws and all. I may not love the fact that you’re a cocky bastard most of the time, or that you seem to hate yourself so much. I don’t like when you’re stubborn with me and won’t open up and I hate when you eat my leftovers even though I’ve clearly claimed them, but I acknowledge all of those things. I know that they exist within you and I love you just the same.”

Kellin let Vic’s words sink in, smiling to himself because Vic was truly perfect.

They say that love isn’t just about appreciating the best parts of a person, but also accepting their flaws and appreciating them. You don’t have to love the imperfections because that’s not what love means, but you are aware of the fact that those peculiarities exist and you welcome them. That alone makes the love you share something strong.

Vic loves Kellin even though he’s an arrogant ass and Kellin loves Vic even though he’s practically perfect. Neither one of them planned on giving up on each other simply because relationships are like puzzles. Sometimes it takes a lot of work, but sooner or later you find the right fit.

And that’s how it worked for them. Their relationship was hanging on by a thread, in desperate need of saving. With the love they both still had, they were able to explore and save their perfect connection on a trip full of many different truck stops and statelines.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end aw.

Hey thanks for sticking with me throughout this weird thing I decided to write to release some shit I had going on in my head.

I know it wasn't perfect and it's quite short, but it was fun, so thanks for the comments and the nice words. I hope you liked it.

Bye. (: