
Fly Away

We grabbed our bags and cautiously found way to the car. Louis had the keys and Niall sat beside him as Liam and I quietly gazed out our windows. No one had the energy to speak as we drove out through the back entry of the house. Part of me wished we would be ambushed somewhere down the road, that Manny would have found the entrance and knew that he could kill us off easily.

But as we pulled onto the highway, I knew it wasn’t going to happen and we were off to live our lives as freely as we pleased. I felt the tears sting my eyes as the airport came into view. I fought them back.

It was like time literally stopped as we got our tickets and boarded the plane. Minutes felt like days and seconds like hours. Liam pushed me along as I continuously looked around, hoping and praying Harry would walk in the door with that smug look on his face. That he would give me a cocky smile and run his fingers over every inch of my body that I’d let him and he’d kiss me. I hoped he would forgive me for the outburst and turn to Liam, telling him how stupid he is to be mad at me or let me be mad at him.

It didn’t happen. I sat closest to the window seat and didn’t give up though. Not even as the plane lifted, leaving behind my blood stained home, I hoped and watched and wished.

“Eat.” Liam pushed a tray of food towards me, his brown eyes the softest, sweetest…friendliest I’d ever seen them. “You need to have something, water, food. You look horrible.” I turned away from him without a word and found myself looking back out the window as the world grew smaller and smaller.

At some point, I had drifted into a dreamless trance. My head was throbbing and despite my body being asleep, my mind was fully alert. It felt like three years earlier when we first boarded a plane as a group. Liam was beside me then too. His hand constantly on mine ready to pounce if I made a single move. I couldn’t tell what he was doing now.

When we landed, he woke me up. The first thing I saw was his brown eyes and a small smile. “Welcome home, Cleo.” But he didn’t understand, this can’t be my home, it wasn’t for the last three years. It was just the place that started me. That began molding me into who I was. My family was here, my old friends, my school…it was all my past. Nothing was of my future.

“Where is Jasmine?” I asked, looking to Louis as if he had an answer.

“She’s probably waiting in a car outside.” Niall grabbed my bag and started off the plane.

I quickly picked myself up and took the lead. “Did anyone tell her about….” Liam put his hand on my shoulder knowing if I said their names, I would break. “Has she been to see my family?”

“They’re waiting eagerly for you at your house.” Niall spoke again.

Louis was the most excited to get out of the airport. The moment the exit was in sight, his pace quickened and Jasmine was rushing towards him. Their lips met and it was obviously not the first time.

I threw my gaze at Liam wishing that we could even try to make “us” work. The problem wasn’t the lack of feelings it was the way everything happened. The fights, the confessions, the events that lead to the end of two of our beloved friends…. Right now, I didn’t even want to see my mother, father, or brother.

When Louis and Jasmine parted, it was then she was told about Zayn and Harry. Through there was a look of sympathy, there was no other emotion to be seen. Which was understandable, she did spend her time with Louis and usually Louis alone. No one else really mattered more in her eyes and the kiss was just one sign of that.

“Your parents are very excited to see you. They cried.” I could tell she wanted a happy reaction, but I just parked myself in the passenger seat and prepared myself for the family reunion.


The house hadn’t changed much. There was still a swing set, broken and swingless, causally placed at the right side of the house. An above ground pool just barely peeking from the back, empty and covered, still looked unused and forgotten. Our pug, Blake, was still sitting by her dog house on a loose chain, bathing in the sun because getting her inside was nearly impossible on days like this. It was like time had stopped and everything was just as it would be if I came home that night three years ago.

I saw my mother pacing by the front door as we pulled in the driveway. She didn’t look at all surprised when I exited the car followed by the three remaining members of the group that kidnapped me. She knew they were the ones I left with, but she didn’t know the horror I had faced in the last few months.

She ran out of the house and embraced me instantly. Her lips met my face many times as I just stood there staring blankly at my father and brother. Eric had grown so much. He wasn’t just a twelve year old boy anymore. He was probably taller than me, his hair had grown out and he had started growing hair on his face. I felt the tears come back and it was that moment I hugged my mother tightly and buried my face into her tiny shoulder. “Cleo, I missed you so much!”

I moved from my mother and nearly tackled my father. It was like I was ten again and he was coming home after a long day. I would run up to him, hug him and ask him about his day. But I didn’t speak as he too started crying. When we managed to let go of each other, I turned to Eric. He looked timid, almost scared. I gazed at the ground for a moment then walked up to him, pulling him against me. He was taller than me.

After my brother let go of me, I looked at them all. “Mom, Dad, Eric. I’m sorry I left you.” I wiped my eyes. “But it was for the better at the time. I promise, never to disappear again.” I looked at my other family and sighed. “I’m here to stay and I hope they are too.” They all had small smiles on their faces, but inside I felt like they would all disappear just as I once had with them.
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It's not over yet, guys. I still have at least one chapter to share. It will answer some questions I know you all have.

Comments are REALLY loved. Please comment, you guys leave me in the dark too much. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE THINKING! ....>>
