The Shy Star

The End Of The Old

Its strange to think how life can change so much in just a short space of time just 2 hours ago I was laughing and joking with my friends and then I got that phone call, I don’t even know how I got here I just remember my friends worried faces and the doctor on the phone telling me to get her as fast as I can. So here I am at the hospital waiting to find out whether or not my little brother will survive.

Just sitting in this chair it’s as if everyone else is travelling in hyper speed like I have been paused while everyone else continues in fast forward and I can’t make sense of it all. The bright white walls and the smell of anaesthetic assaults my senses as I try my best to process what is actually happening. A man in surgical scrub walks towards me I glance at him as his mask hangs down round his neck and he slowly removes the gloves from his hands. I stand as he approaches and he gestures me to sit back down as he sits down next to me.

And I hear those words. They don’t seem real, I don’t understand. The surgeon continues talking but I don’t hear what he says. All I know is everything I took comfort or joy from is about to end, everything I care about and love is over and there is nothing I can do about it.
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I know this chapter is short but it was originally going to be a short story hopefully the chapters will get bigger and longer as I go along. Thanks for reading guys :P