The Shy Star

New Home

Within 2 hours we were at my uncles house, he smiled and welcomed me to my new home and all I could do was say thank you but I said it so quietly that I doubt he even heard me anyway. I opened the door and stepped out on to the road then walked round the car following my uncle to the front door. The house was nothing special really, you could see paint starting to peel around the door frame but other then that is was just an ordinary house. My aunt Jenny opened the door just as uncle John produced the key from his pocket, he smiled and slipped the key back into his pocket as he kissed Jenny on the cheek. Jenny smiled then walked over to me and wrapped me in her arms

“I know you miss her honey, we all do but I promise you will like it here and me and John will take good care of you”

I offered her a small smile which was all I could muster right now. All I wanted to do was traipse upstairs find my room and sleep hoping to wake up and find I was only dreaming even though I knew there would be no such luck.

I stepped into the house which looked much grander on the inside then it did out with the living room decorated in a warm brown and a golden yellow that wasn't bright nor was it dull. The rooms felt warm and welcoming but I didn't care I just wanted to go to sleep and forget this entire week had happened.

I mumbled something to Jenny about being tired but she refused to let me sleep before I had eaten so I forced myself to swallow the pasta she had made ready for my arrival, as soon as I had eaten half of the dinner I asked to be excused before walking upstairs and finding the guest room.

It hadn’t changed much since I was last here. I remember sleeping here a few times when I was younger and playing in the garden with Danny, my cousin who is a year older. I closed the door of the bedroom and flopped onto the bed thinking about everything that had happened in the past week.

Monday was ordinary like any other day, Tuesday my mum and brother were in a car accident where my mum was pronounced dead on scene, Wednesday in the early hours my brother was also pronounced dead, Thursday my uncle had told me I was moving in with him, Friday I had been told the car accident was exactly that, an accident and no one was to blame, Saturday I began packing all the stuff into boxes with the help of some friends whom I then said my final goodbyes and Sunday here I am in a new house, new town and about to start a whole new life.

It felt more like months had passed me by, the short time in which this had all happened was astonishing.

Everything I had was gone and now all I could do was wallow in misery at the fact I was left behind. If only I had gone straight home, if I hadn't decided to go out with my friends then my mum wouldn't of had to be driving at all, her and Alex would of stayed home with mum preparing dinner and Alex watching sponge bob rather then having to get in the car and drive to come pick me up because I didn't want to walk back from Alice’s house. Instead I sat there with a group of friends laughing and talking waiting for my mum to pick me up while she and my brother were fighting for their lives.

I know I shouldn't blame myself but right now I needed someone to blame and who else was there.

I lay in the bed for hours just thinking of what might of happened if I hadn’t gone to Alice’s or if only I had just walked rather then making mum come pick me up and what my life would be like now if the past week could just be reversed.