Status: Active, not sure of frequency of updates

Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Chapter Twelve

I snuck back in through my bedroom window without drawing any attention to the fact that I had left. I was tired and I quickly changed into my pyjamas before lying on top of my bed. I could hear music coming from Mikey’s room and I smiled as the melancholic voice of Morrissey reaches my ears. I was relieved by Lexi’s reaction and hopeful maybe we could get back on track. I decided to call to her house tomorrow and take her out on a proper date. I had to show her that I meant what I said. I could take her to a movie maybe, but then again that was something we had done a million times. I wanted to do something original, something meaningful but in this town it was hard to do either. I sighed heavily and rubbed my forehead in frustration. I heard the sound of glass smashing from downstairs and I shot up to attention. I bolted out of my room, stopping short at the top of the stairs as I heard my Mother’s raised voice. My parents were in the living room, which was lit only by the large, silver lamp that rested beside the couch. I could make out their shapes but the darkness shadowed everything else. My mother was standing in the middle of the room, presumably facing my father who was standing beside the mantel piece. The shattered shards of glass must have fallen from the mantel piece, judging by the reflective light I could see near my father’s feet.

​​​‘You are NOT taking my sons Don! God damn it we’ve given enough already!’

​​​‘Donna I don’t have any choice.’

​​​‘Bullshit! You just don’t want to stand up to Nigel. Heaven forbid your sons should take priority over the fucking Company. I’ve taken a lot of shit over the years but this is the last straw. What about Iero and Toro? Are they being dragged into this too?’

​​​My dad released a long suffering sigh.

​​​‘Yes, among others.’

​​​‘Even Alexia?’

​​​‘No. He’s leaving her out of it, after what he promised Marie…he wouldn’t break his last promise to her.’

​​​‘So, it’s alright for OUR sons to be dragged into the Company but not her?’ I had never heard my mother speak with such venom in my life, and it scared me. I had no idea what they were talking about, but Lexi’s name being mentioned made sure I listened intently.

​​​‘Would it make you feel better if she was?’ my father snapped, losing his temper which was not something I saw too often. He was cold, calculating and not quick to anger. Instead he would wait before acting.

​​​‘No’ my mother whispered, her voice wavering.

​​​‘We have time…it won’t be until Gerard finishes school.’

​​​‘Why are they waiting?’

​​​‘Nigel wants to keep Alexia in the dark for as long as possible. He’ll do anything to keep her out of harm’s way.’

​​​There was a pregnant pause before I heard my mother break down in tears; her sobs were choked and gasping. I could see my father’s shape walk over to my mother and wrap his arms around her. She cried into his shoulder for a minute before she let him go.

​​​‘Donald please…you can’t let him do this…they’re our sons.’

​​​‘I don’t want this any more than you do…I’m going to do whatever I can to try and stop it, but if one of them goes they all go Donna. It’s the way he wants it.’

​​​My mother continued to cry, the sounds making me uncomfortable and forcing me to move.
I slithered back into my room, praying that they didn’t hear me closing the door. My head was spinning; none of what I had heard made any sense to me. All I know is that the words filled me with a sense of foreboding and a new found fear for the future.


​​​The next morning I entered the living room with trepidation. There was no evidence of the broken glass from the night before, and my mother was humming while pottering around the kitchen. I spent half the night awake, my brain was determined to solve the puzzle from last night even though I had no idea what the picture was. I was frustrated and anxious, and dying for some fucking coffee. I stepped into the kitchen and almost cried from happiness when I saw the coffee machine was freshly boiled. I didn’t speak a word to Mikey or my mother as I grabbed my Batman mug and poured myself a cup of the life giving liquid, mindlessly adding sugar and creamer to make the drink perfect, or as close to perfect as non Starbucks coffee could be.

​​​‘Morning’ my mother greeted my cheerfully. I grunted in reply before sitting at the table opposite Mikey who was wolfing down his cereal at an alarming speed. It was frankly disgusting the way he would shovel food in his mouth without stopping. I took a few sips of mu drink and felt my brain slowly start to work again. I studied my mother with a few sneaked glances. It was hard to believe that a few hours ago she was a blubbering mess, and now she was fucking humming as she tidied the kitchen. It boggled my mind, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

​​​‘Are you going to eat something pet?’ my mother questioned when she caught me looking at her

​​​​​‘I could make you some toast if you want.’

​​​‘Toast would be good’ I mutter, not feeling at all hungry but I know my mother would go on about it until I ate.

​​​‘Dude, will you drive me to the Mall later? I want to pick up a few records at the music store.’

​​​I glared at him, but he looked back at me unaffected.

​​​‘Fine, but I’m not waiting on your ass all day. You’ll get half an hour.’

​​​‘Thanks bro’ he grinned, he knew that my threat was useless. I might be an asshole sometimes but I wouldn’t ever be downright mean. My mother put two slices of buttered toast in front of me, giving me one of her famous smiles. I could see how fake it was though, and upon closer inspection I saw just how sad her eyes were. There was no light behind them anymore; it was like someone had stolen her happiness away.

​​​I had to look away before I crumbled under the weight of her sadness. I just wish I knew how to make her happy again.