Status: Something I thought out and typed up in an hour. Let me know what you think!


And I'm losing all ambition and goals

Sidney's POV

I watched Sparrow pound at the buttons as I shut the door, I could hear her screaming for me and Oscar. It broke me heart, but I have to think about Oscar and what's best for him. And being around someone who is such an emotional roller-coaster, even if she is his mother, isn't what he needs.

As I shut the door Oscar managed to get free from my grip and drop down to the floor. He ran right into the door and pounded with his tiny fists as hard as he possibly could while screaming and crying out for Sparrow.

“MAAMMMAA!” His screams were gut wrenching but nothing was calming him down. I knelt down and pulled him back into my body, rubbed his tiny back as he smooched his face into my shirt and cried. “want mamma” he whimpered.

“I know buddy, I know. But mommy is sick at the moment and needs time to herself” I soothed him. Oscar gave a little hiccup and looked up at me, snot and tears running down his flushed face.

“Want mamma” he repeated

Picking up the tiny boy in my arms, I walked him up stairs to my bedroom
“Come on Occy, lets go for a nap. You can sleep with me in daddies bed, how about that?”
“Otay, but Iceburgh tum”
“Of course he can”

Diverting into Oscar's room I picked up the plush penguin and quickly walked back into my room. Placing Oscar on the bed I stripped him of his jeans and pulled on a pull up so he would be comfortable. I tucked him into the big bed, took of my own jeans and t-shirt and crawled in next to him before pulling him onto my chest.

“Lub daddy”
“Love you too buddy” I said, placed a kiss on his head and my hand on his back as we both slowly drifted off into sleep.

~~ Flashback 18 months ago ~~

Sparrow's POV
I was in the home stretch and two weeks away from giving birth to our second baby, Oscar was staying at his grandparents house while me and Sidney attended the baby shower which was set up by the WAGs. When we got home I jumped into the shower to decompress. I needed it as I was a big stress knot and my stomach was really uncomfortable.

“Sidney, I feel really weird…” I said as I came out of the shower with a towel on
“What do you mean?”
“Like I haven’t felt her move all day…I have pain in my abdomen, not contractions it’s just weird,” I said nervously swirling my hands over my stomach. I hadn’t really thought about it till I was in the shower and gazing at my belly.

“You’re just getting nervous because she’s due soon. I’m sure it’s like Braxton-Hicks contractions,” He smiled from the couch.

“Will you think I’m one of those crazy, oversensitive, neurotic pregnant women if I ask you to take me to the doctors, will you?” I was so nervous and anxious.

“Of course, but anything to make you feel better and relax,” Sidney shut off the TV and came over to me. He kissed my lips.

“Get dressed and I’ll go get the car started,” He stroked my face gently with the back of his fingers
“I just…I have a weird feeling and better safe than sorry,” I squeaked.
“You do feel a little warm; maybe it’ll make me feel better too. I’ll come back up and get you, okay?”

I nodded and went to get dressed as he went to get the car out of the garage. Sidney was probably right; all the anxiety about actually giving birth was probably catching up with me. I hadn’t actually given myself time to be nervous or anxious. I wanted to keep busy and tell myself it was going to be great.

I got dressed and slipped on some sneakers and grabbed a jacket. It was pretty cold out for the beginning of April. Sidney was waiting for me at the door when I came back downstairs.

“I know I’m crazy,” I said as we walked out the door. Sidney wrapped me in a hug and lent down to kiss me
“Don't be silly baby, I called Dr. Zink and he’s not in the hospital today, but he’s gonna have Jody meet us.”
“Thank you,” I smiled as I pulled back and started walking to the garage.

“Whatever makes you feel better I’ll do. I love you and our little girl and will do anything,” He opened the car door and shut it after I got in.

“When they tell me I’m crazy and send me home can you not say ‘I told you so?’ and we’ll buy some salt and vinegar potato chips and watch some movies?” I asked nervously feeling pain in my stomach.

“You okay?” Sidney asked nervously noticing the grimace on my face
“I just have these shooting pains in my stomach and I feel nauseous.” I replied through gritted teeth
“We’re almost there,” He grabbed my hand and held it tight.

I adjusted myself in my seat to try and find a comfortable position where I wasn’t in pain. Sidney drove fast, but carefully to the hospital. He pulled up to the door and came around to help me out. I took his hand and stood up. I had a lot of discomfort all of a sudden.

“Sparrow, baby, you’re bleeding,” Sidney said and he’d gone completely white. I looked down and I had light staining on my pants and there was a spot on the seat.

“I need a wheel chair! My wife is pregnant and bleeding!” He shouted inside the door. I stood holding the top of the car door to steady myself. I was completely numb.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short but I will have another one up tonight!
The next few chapters are going to be a flashback to what happened and why they are like they are at the moment, it's going to get sad!!