
STRANGERS in elevators

Tatum Harris stares at the sign posted to the door of Saint's.


She tears it off the door and walks into the dingy old pub. She sees a man behind the counter and gaits over to him. "Hi, I'm looking for a job," she says and he looks up. She puts the sign on the bar top.

"Hi, looking for a job," he says and she reddens. He has a thick Irish accent and graying hair.

"S-sorry," she mutters. "I'm Tatum."

"Well, Tatum,' he says as he dries glasses and stacks them against the wall. "Have you ever worked in a pub before?"

"No, but I can assure you that I'm a hard worker and pick things up quickly."

He shrugs. "Okay. Be here tomorrow at eight."

She blinks and nods her head before turning on her heel and leaving.

She begins to walk back to her apartment three blocks away. Along the way she kicks at rocks and studies the clouds, almost walking into numerous obstacles in her path.

When she arrives at her building, she pushes the button to call the elevator and steps in once it opens.

A young male with short brown hair stands next to the buttons. "Where are you going?" he asks.

"Six," Tatum says curtly, cautious of the stranger.

He smiles. "Me too."

She lifts the corners of her lips slightly, giving him a small smile and exits once the elevator dings and the doors open.

She ignores his goodbye as they walk to their separate apartments and jams her key in the door to hers, twisting it until it pops open. Before she steps inside, she peeks to her left to see him doing the same. He sees her and grins.
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you are all LOVELY