Status: New Story!! :)

You're My Saviour

Chapter 1

Do you ever feel like your alone? Like your whole world came crashing down right before your very eyes. Well I know how that feels, September 16th 2011 that marks the date when both of my parents died. I was 15 then, I was at my friend Josh's house that night since my parents were going to be out late that night. Then the phone rang, it was my aunt telling me that my parents got hit by a drunk driver.

Now here I am 2 years later and I still don't know what to think. Sometimes I feel like they are going to walk threw that door with the biggest smiles on their faces and embrace me in a hug, but I know that it will never happen. Thankfully my aunt and uncle took me in to be my legal guardian's and I couldn't have been more thankful.

But all of that is the past and I try not to think about that day. So here I am age 17 attending my first day of senior year and I couldn't be happier to almost be finished with high school. Since I live in a small town my high school is only about 300 people, so everybody knows everybody.

As I walk into my homeroom class with my friend Josh and we take our seats I look around to see the same boring posters up on the wall with the black board in front of the class room. Just as the bell rang Mrs. Raven walks into the room with the biggest smile on her face.

"Good morning class! My name is Mrs. Raven and I'll be your homeroom teacher." Mrs. Raven said.

Just as she was finishing up her speech our principal Mr. Fletcher walks into the classroom.

"Mr. Fletcher what brings you to our class so early in the morning?" Mrs. Raven asked.

"We have a new student and I was just showing her to her homeroom, Everyone this is Charlotte." Mr. Fletcher announced.

Sure enough a girl walked through the door, and man was she gorgeous. She had wavy light blond hair and bright blue eyes. I know she won't be having trouble fitting in all of the guys were already staring her down.

"Hello Charlotte we were just about to get started, you can sit right next to Joseph in the back." Mrs. Raven said to Charlotte.

As she made her way to the back of the class right next to me, I could tell she was shy and I mean who wouldn't be. She's probably a big city girl, coming to a small town.

"Alright, well have a great first day everyone!" Mr. Fletcher said excitedly and with that he walked out of the classroom.

"Alright class lets get started-" Mrs. Raven announced to the class.

"Excuse me." I heard a small voice from beside me.

"Your Joseph right?" Charlotte asked.

"Uh yeah." I replied.

"Well I'm-" Charlotte started to talk but I cut her off.

"Listen I already know your name, now can you please be quiet I'm trying to listen." I said harshly.

"Sorry." She replied quietly.

Honestly I didn't care about the lesson Mrs. Raven was teaching, I just didn't want to talk to Charlotte she seemed like she wanted to be my friend and I could care less I know her type.

Finally the bell rang dismissing us to our next class and I was able to leave with my friend Josh, and hopefully get away from Charlotte.
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First Chapter! Let me know what you think!