Never in My Wildest Dreams


Marcel had finally done it. He had finally got his chance to prove his worth for the company, and what did he do? He managed to screw it up like nearly everything else in his life. When the popular British pop band had begun to tear apart his ideas and his very presentation… Well, he hadn’t taken it very professionally. In fact, he had been on the brink of tears when he began to sling back shots from his executives’ private reserve. Due to that act, Marcel found himself in a place no one would think to find him: a bar.

Marcel was the youngest marketing writer in his department, and he had blown his chance to prove himself. He would never hear the end of it from his superiors. He slid his finger into the neck of his shirt, feeling claustrophobic at the idea of being stuck at his desk job for the rest of his life. He had analyzed and re-analyzed the meeting in his head at least a dozen times. He shouldn't have attempted to create an image, and he definitely shouldn't have hired Leeroy. He felt ill as the image of one of the biggest international bands staring bewildered at him came flying back to his memory. With a huff, he loosened his brown tie and took another bitter sip from his drink thus burying his lifelong sobriety in an even deeper grave.

Marcel assumed he was finally getting use to the alcohol when he didn't gag at first taste; however, the soft clearing of a throat ruined any dash of confidence he had in his new drinking abilities. He spluttered, choking and spitting the remnants of his drink everywhere. He jumped at the sudden, gentle rubbing of his back.

Once he finally managed to collect himself, he turned less than gracefully in his bar stool to face whoever interrupted his pity party. He shook his head in surprise upon discovering an impressively beautiful brunette in front of him. His cheeked instantly stained red at his earlier cough fit, and he was unable to comprehend why she was in front of him. He pushed his oversized, thick-rimmed glasses back up the bridge of his nose and was prepared to greet her when she beat him to the punch.

“Are you alright?” She asked, genuinely concerned. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and he found himself mesmerized by the action. “I couldn't help but notice you from across the bar; you seem a little down.” Marcel could already deduce she was slightly older than him by the way she spoke, and he appreciated her gorgeous curvy figure. He was mid studying her when he realized that she was still very much standing before him and waiting for his answer, he turned what he was sure was an impossible shade of red. She only laughed and laid her hand reassuringly on his arm, her eyes crinkled at the corners as a result of her genuine mirth. Marcel couldn't help but notice how hot her hand felt against his skin.

“Ah… Yes! I’m fine- only a rough night at work.” He answered quickly; however, he was already kicking himself for not leaving her a more open conversation. He was terribly awkward when it didn't involve marketing strategies. He was over analyzing, and he just knew she was going to take off any moment remembering this as the occasion she had approached a completely socially incapable person. It would be the perfect ending to his terrible day.

Although, to his surprise, she merely smiled at his response. “I think we all have those here and there… Maybe your night won’t be as awful.” Marcel could swear she was staring at him… Hungrily? He must have imagined it; nevertheless, he nervously dipped his fingers beneath his collar once again.

“I’m Kati, by the way,” she purred.

“Marcel,” he squeaked before coughing and clearing his throat, realizing just how entirely masculine his nerves were making him.

“Well, Marcel… What do you say about getting out of here and doing something more interesting than staring at your drink?” She already grabbed his and was pulling him toward the door.

Marcel’s eyes widened and he allowed her to pull him out into the lonely, cool night air. “Where do you want to go?” he asked, attempting to control his sudden urge to grip her hand tightly in his. It was highly illogical, all of this… whatever it was. He was sure it was some cruel joke from corporate… It definitely seemed within the entertainment industry’s power to put this beautiful woman in front of him and then take her away.

However, all logic was quickly tossed out the window. “Oh, how can I wait the entire block with you looking so downtrodden?” She mumbled, almost too quietly for him to hear. He was abruptly pushed against the brick wall of the bar, every soft curve of her body pressed against him.

“Kati..?” he barely got out before her lips were on his. His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he threw all reason out the window and enjoyed the soft, supple kiss.

“So… Damn… Cute,” he vaguely heard her whisper before she buried her hands in his slick quiff and jumped into his arms. He groaned at the sensation, blood immediately abandoning his head and going straight for his groin. He pressed his usually clumsy hands against the small of her back, pulling her even closer and securing her safely against him. He slowed her excited kisses, taking the time to enjoy the taste of her lips; however, she was impatient and raked her nails against his scalp. He couldn't stop his hips from instinctively thrusting against her causing the kiss to break and his head to fall gently against the brick. She giggled softly, and he narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. He leaned forward and nibbled on her ear... It only took a second to pull a moan from her lips, and she detached herself from his hold to step back. “I’m not too sure you’re as innocent as you look,” she panted, obviously as aroused as he was. He couldn't help but smirk slightly; if she thought he was good, he’d let her believed he was plenty experienced.

“To my apartment?” She asked, but he found himself more drawn to her swollen pink lips then her question. He pushed his hands into her dark hair and pulled her to him, pressing a soft kiss against those beautiful lips. He could easily see himself becoming addicted to this, and he liked that he didn't have to analyze whatever ‘this’ was.

“I think that would be an excellent idea,” Marcel said as he parted from her, taking a moment to straighten his taupe sweater vest. He then moved to smooth down his hair before he was halted by Kati.

“Leave it… It’s pretty edgy, almost makes you look like Harry Styles or something.”

Marcel couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation before pulling her into his arm, anxious to get her in bed. He wasn't exactly sure how it happened, but he definitely found her special and she kept his mind off… Oh, what’s that band’s name again? When she squeezed his hand, he found he didn't care to remember tonight. Work would still be there Monday.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, this has been my first attempt at any sort of one shot or 1D fan fiction of any sort... But Kati is always such a huge help to me when I write so I thought she deserved me trying to write her a little something. Sorry it's such a quickie. ;) x