
First sight

My senior year was torture since it was the year that Ken decided to beat me and then break up with me, my parents kicked me out of the house and I was threw into a frenzy at school. However it wasn't all bad because that was the year that I found out what love was.

The day I lay eyes on Danny for the first time started out like any other, with me sitting with my two best friends Beth and Hannah, both who were cheerleaders.

"come on, keen was such a jerk but its been a year! Isn't there anyone here you like?" Beth stated and I glared over at her.
"I'm never falling in love ever again." I replied simply and they sighed.

"Suki, its not healthy." Hannah began and I huffed as I got up, taking my foam tray over to the trash can, however as I was turning around the corner I crashed into someone who felt like a wall themselves, falling back onto the floor.

"oh, I'm let me help you." A soft, husky voice stated as a soft hand gripped my forearm, pulling me up with a very gentle tug.

"thanks." I muttered, looking up to see a pair of kind green eyes sparkling down at me with concern. He was tall and bulky, with a foot ballplayer's build though he was skinny and he had a mess of shaggy red hair hung down just above his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I added glancing down and he chuckled.
"it was an accident, its fine." He replied then picked up my trash then added "I'll throw this away."
And with that he walked away and I hurried back to my table.

"wow, he actually talked to you? He hardly talks to anyone!" Beth exclaimed as soon as I sat back down.
"who is he?" I asked and they both gapped at me like I had grown three heads and fur.

"Danny Johnson, he just moved in on cider fork and like everyone's talking about him." Hannah stated and I sighed.

"yeah, but he's a jerk! Keri was trying to flirt with him and he just walked off!" Beth exclaimed and I groaned.

"maybe he just don't want a relationship right now, being new and all." I replied and they rolled their eyes.

"don't you think he's cute?" Beth asked and I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
Sure he was cute, more than cute but I couldn't fall for anyone.
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If you have a suggestion feel free to message them to me.