Status: In Progress!

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable.

Chapter Two

The trip to the comic store was beyond entertaining. The fact that I could barely stop myself from laughing at the two knuckle-heads proved that they were cooler than I initially thought, and they both had a great sense of sarcastic humor. Butler told me stories from when he and Mikey had been younger. He also told me about the time he had set his mothers favorite curtains on fire in their living room growing up. He must have really hated those damn curtains.

"I was grounded for two months!" Butler laughed as Mikey rolled at the story he'd heard over a million times.
"Oh, don't be such a sour-puss Michael." I joked. Mikey's originally twisted facial features softened as he let out a soft chuckle.

"Please don't call me anything but Mikey."

"Okay, 'Anything but Mikey'." Butler laughed at the not-so-funny joke just as I had parked at my favorite comic book store. The three of us entered the unusually quiet store. The shop owner, Greg, tended to play music of all genres...generally rock; but, you get whay I mean. But today, the music was off and Greg was asleep at the counter.

"We hold in our hearts the sword and the faith. Swelled up from the rain, clouds move like a wraith." I sang just loud enough for Greg to hear because I knew he liked My Chemical Romance just as much as I did. His head shot up and he smiled at me before saying, "What's up, Vee? Haven't seen you in a few days. You're usually in here everyday!!"

"Sorry, Greg. Been kind of busy with work, and painting." I replied, a smile spreading across my face.
"I didn't know you were into art." Butler said with a smile, "Didn't peg you for the artist type. Just thought that you were a musician or something."

"Well, that's also a correct assumption, I do play bass and drums." Mikey scoffed, "What's your problem, Marino?"

"You? Play drums? I'll believe it when I see it."

"What? Can a girl not play drums?" I asked, anger seeping through every word.

"Yeah, if she's a lesbian." Oh fuck no.

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, Michael?"

Mikey's attitude was starting to be the one thing so far I couldn't handle about him. His stand-offish, jerky attitude towards me was getting on my nerves, and it was about to bite him in the ass. He was going to eat his rude words. I mean, I don't have anything against lesbians. I'm just not one, and I don't need to be accused of being one.

"Fine, 20 bucks says you can't play worth shit." He smirked.

"Okay, 40 bucks says I play just as good as Neal Pert." Butler chuckled and said, "20 bucks she's amazing."

"You guys are going to lose all your goddamned money betting on Violet here. She can fucking play, man." Greg smiled after he put his two cents into the conversation at hand. I laughed at Greg's attempt to back me up before I narrowed my eyes at Mikey.

"I'll win, and you'll eat your god damn words Michael Marino."
The three of us then headed back out to my apartment in the middle of San Diego. As we reached the elevator that took us to my floor, I sighed. I hadn't touched my Dad's kit since his accident months ago. I'd be a bit rusty on his set; but, I'd still be pretty damn good. I have been playing for the past 19 years of my life. Mikey had no right to say that I couldn't play when he hadn't even heard me. He doesn't know me.

"We're here." I muttered as I pulled into my parking spot. Butler looked up into the front seat from where he was sitting next to his brother, and they both got out. They kept quiet as the three of us sauntered into my shitty apartment.

"My uh-music slash art room is just down the hall. I've got to change real quick before I play." I had this whole thing I had to do before I even touched my fathers set. First step was getting out of the long black skirt and platform sneakers I was wearing and into a pair of shorts and my slip on checkered Vans. Second was to washed whatever was on my hands off, and even if there wasn't anything there I had to wash them. And lastly, I had to get the throne set to where I needed it.

"You ready, Vee?" Butler asked as I twirled both of the sticks in my hands.

"I was born ready, Butler." I replied with a laughed, Mikey scoffed and as soon as I started playing Astro Zombies by the Misfits his features softened and the smirk was gone. He was now giving me a real smile; but, he showed regret through his grassy green eyes. I finished the song, and smiled at the both of them.

"Damn." Mikey muttered and pulled out his wallet from his back pocket.

"I don't want your money, Mikey." I stated honestly, "I just wanted to prove to you that a girl can be just as good as any male drummer out there." Butler laughed at his brother's flustered expression.

"I made the stupid bet, at least let me give you the money I said I'd give you if you won." I held my hands up and said, "Keep your money, Marino."
The guys had left later in the day after rounds of Zelda and Guitar Hero on my Playstation 3 in the living room. To say that Mikey's attitude problem decreased after I had shown him my skills at playing the drums would be lie. He didn't want to proved wrong, and then when I suggested we play video games he scoffed looked me up and down and smirked.

"What now, Michael?" I asked.

"You don't play video games."

"Yeah, sure I don't." I said sarcastically as I set up the gaming system.

I ended beating him at Guitar Hero eight times in a row that afternoon. Butler of course couldn't contain his laughter at his brothers groans in frustration as I pretty much tore down his ego.

Now, it's been an hour since the two of them left and I have absolutely nothing to do. Another night alone in my dark apartment. So, I took that as my chance to seclude myself in my art room and paint. I took the only HIM CD I owned, placed it in the CD player and began to paint.

Suicide of love took away all that matters, and buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart. With the venomous kiss you gave me, I'm killing loneliness. With the warmth of your arms you saved me, oh I'm killing loneliness with you.

The painting started off as random strokes of red, blue and pink water color and as soon as I brought in the black paint to outline my previous pencil markings, the drawing took shape. It wasn't like what had happened the last time I went to draw. My pencil and paint brush had my help with creating the art work. Unlike the time before where my mind had taken over.

"This'll be really cool hung up in my living room.." I mumbled to myself as I finished off the painting. It reminded me a lot of someting Alex Pardee might paint; but, of course I did get most of my inspiration from him when I started art school. I may have not finished school; but, I did my first two years before deciding that school wasn't for me.

The few minutes I thought I had be painting had turned into 5 hours, and I was already on my third piece. I had decided months ago, that if I were to do more than a piece a night that I was going to sell the last one I did before I went to bed.

And this painting was something I don't think I could sell without being embarassed, or having a certain Marino brother findng out about it.

It was a painting of Mikey.
I'd woken up the next morning, the smell of breakfast wafting through my apartment. Where was this smell coming from? I lived alone, and the only other people with keys to my apartment were my mother, my younger brother David, and Molly. I crossed out the first two considering they lived all the way back in New Jersey.

"The fuck..." I muttered when I found my work clothes folded at the end of my bed, and my favorite pair of vans tucked neatly on top of the dark wash shorts. As creepy as it was having Molly or someone picking my work clothes out for, I silently thanked them as I moved my way into my kitchen.

"Good-morning, sleepy head." Molly beamed as she turned around.

"What're you doing here?" the words fell from my lips suddenly.

"Came to apologize for being a bitch, went to wake you up and when I walked past your art room I saw a very peculiar painting." Molly was smirking now, she saw the painting of Mikey on my easel.

"I can explain...?" I said slowly.

"No need, you like him. You think he's interesting." Molly was close to right. I did find the nerdy male interesting; but, there was no way in Hell that I liked him. His head was way too far up his ass.

"You obviously don't see where his head has been since he and I met..." I muttered.


"His head is so far up his ass that he doesn't care if he hurts someone's feelings." I almost yelled at her, "He's irritating, intriguing--yes; but, irritating nonetheless."

"You barely even know him, Violet. Give him a chance!" She was fuming, she didn't like that I couldn't stand her boy friends younger brother. Things weren't going her way.

"Oh my god, Molly. Just shut up, the world doesn't revolve around you and us humans aren't supposed to cater to your every need. Mikey and I just don't get along! Get that through your think skull!" I yelled. I was pissed now, Molly was being a bitch right after she said she came to apologize for being one earlier last week.

"I know the world--" I cut her of by saying, "Shut the fuck up Molly. Get out of my apartment, I appreciate the effort; but, you're being a bitch. Quit being a bitch." (A/N: sorry I'm not sorry 'bout the Portlandia-y part right there)

She dropped the stainless steel pan on the floor of my kitchen, raw eggs spilling out and with a huff she left my apartment. Sure I felt bad about calling her a bitch; but, she was being one.

God, I really hate people.
I really have to get out more and stop watching the damn television. I had just finished the first three seasons of Viva La Bam on DVD, and that's when my boss called to tell me that they were letting a few people go...and I was one of the "few" that was getting fired. He told me that I needed to learn how to treat our customers, and his staff better. Well, I hope he fired Molly as well. Damn...that was mean, I mean, I hope she didn't get fired; but, I wouldn't be surprised if she did. Looks like I'll have more time to paint.

Something happens when the sun turns to grey, something happens when you scare the monsters away!

My phone was ringing again, and this time it was from an unknown number. All of my contacts had a certain ringtone, and if I didn't know who it was it just happened to be Sandpaper by Fozzy and M. Shadows.

"Hello?" I answered slowly.

"Hey--uh, is this Violet?" The other voice answered.

"Yeah, may I ask who's speaking?"

"This is Alex Pardee, a friend of yours contacted me about your art."

What the Hell?