Wednesday in Paris

The Nerd

"I see sparks fly whenever you smile..."
"Yeah, so my roommate's boyfriend just got back from the army this afternoon. Harper and I left them to spend some time together. He's finally out for good," Alexis told me.

I finally had the courage to ask her out. We went to see the movie, The Conjuring, then to have dinner at my uncle's restaurant. Since my uncle, Harry, owns the place, we get a family discount.

"That's cool. It sucks having someone you love in the army. My sister served nine years," I said, taking a bite of spaghetti.

"Jesus, nine years? That must've been awful. At least she's home now."

I paused. "Not exactly. She died three years ago."

Alexis completely froze. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry."

"No, it's okay. You didn't know."

The server, Sergio from Italy, came to our table with a bottle of red wine. He picked up my glass and poured some wine. He picked up Alexis' glass and, as he was pouring the wine, someone bumped into him, which made him drop the glass onto her lap.

Alexis actually scared me for a minute. The expression on her face went from calm to pure anger. Her face was burning red with rage.

"What the FUCK?" she screamed. She stood up; her white dress now had a huge red stain on it. She grabbed her purse and fled to the bathroom, saying she'd be right back as she walked by.

About ten minutes later, I saw Harper running through the door with a purple dress in her hands. She ran into the bathroom where Alexis still was.

A few minutes later, Harper came out of the bathroom holding the red-stained white dress. Alexis followed her. Harper waved to me before leaving. Alexis returned to the table. She looked even better than before. She had on a short-sleeved purple dress. It fit her perfectly, and she looked beautiful. I mean, not that she didn't look beautiful before, but it was different this time.

Sergio returned and apologized for spilling the wine. Alexis apologized for yelling. He carefully poured wine into her glass, an shuffled away.

We picked up our glasses. "To Harper for saving me," she said.

We dinked our glasses and took sips.

I drove her home later that night. I walked her to the door of her apartment building, and we stood under the lone porch light.

"It was an awesome first date, Tanner. Thank you." She smiled.

"You know, you're really pretty when you smile," I said. She smiled once again, which made me laugh a bit.

I leaned down to kiss her, when the door flew open. A short girl with blond hair stood in the doorway.

"Hi, I'm Adelaide." She shook my hand. "Lex, The Little Mermaid is on."

"Yeah? And? I'll be in in a minute," Alexis said. Adelaide shut the door.

"Sorry, that's my roommate," she apologized. I smiled and leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.
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