Status: Still in progress.

An Uncensored Overly Dramatic Book About My Life

June 1, 2013

I woke up about an hour ago. Usual morning of a) making my own oatmeal, b) sitting at the table and eating, and c) getting on my laptop. My parents are in their separate places as always. My mom with her laptop in bed. The Professor with his computer in his office. I guess I never really noticed how alone I am.
I think my paranoia is coming back which is such a shame because I was doing so well. Then again I don’t think it ever really left. I still hear my parents’ whispers and I still think terrible things. Terrible, terrible, terrible. It seems my paranoia has invited my depression over for tea as well because I had a slight visit from it last night. I went online and searched exactly “depression tumblr” into google images. Immediately all those sad pictures came up and I read all of the ones I could in 10 minutes. I don’t know why I do that. It’s not like it helps or cheers me up. I guess I find comfort in knowing that I’m not the only one out there that feels like this.
I took another paranoia test just to make sure and results came back as expected. At least my parents won’t complain about a low score on that.
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Hope you liked this. If you read this please let me know, I feel like no one is reading this. But oh well. :3