Sequel: Escape Route
Status: I'm gonna buy a cheap bouquet before it dies on the display

What if I Can't Forget You?

You Know We're Gonna Be Forever

Vics P.O.V

I can't believe Hayley has brought Oli on the rest of the UK tour. I mean Oli is a great guy but she just can't keep this bullshit up. We are in London for the week while Paramore are doing a lot of promotional stuff for the new music video they were releasing for (One Of Those) Crazy Girls. They filmed it while we were off at Christmas and it was set to be released this week. They were all pretty excited for it so they were doing interviews, press and photoshoots while in the UK. I guess we all were actually, Kerrang! Wanted a lot of different articles from all the bands on the tour.

Me and Hayley were currently in the Kerrang! offices about to do an interview about the tour so far to be shown on Kerrang! TV. She wouldn't talk to me, at all. It was awkward and disgusting if I'm honest. I just wanted to make things better and for this interview we were gonna be so fake with each other... making things difficult for me to handle. The interview was on cue cards and that made it much more awkward as we had to talk to each other.

"Hey, I'm Vic" I said waving at the camera.

"And I'm Hayley" Hayley smiled at the camera. "We're here to talk about our tour and pick out the songs that get us pumped up for shows" She explained.

"So keep watching to hear from the likes of; Slipknot, Pantera, The Cure, My Chemical Romance and much more" I said reading the cue card.

"So we're just coming to the end of our world tour. Things have been hetic and outright tiring but we always find a way to cool off and relax. Usually by listening to awesome music. So first up, Vics favourite Cool Down song" Hayley said with a soft smile and looked at me.

"Yeah this song always helps me relax after a show, it's Metallicas Nothing Else Matters" I smiled.

"Over the years Paramore have done many tours and met awesome bands but we definitely are enjoying this tour so we are gonna tell you guys our favourite moment of the tour so far" Hayley said then looked at me.

"My favourite moment so far was when Jaime and Taylor got lost in the biggest mall in America. They couldn't find us and we found out they got stuck in the elevator" I laughed at the memory. Hayley laughed and nodded too.

"Oh man" Hayley laughed. "I remember that. 'Hey guys, can you uh get us out of the elevator I feel like we're in resident evil and we gonna die'" Hayley mimicked Jaime. I laughed so much and suddenly felt sad. This is how it used to be with us. She noticed and stopped laughing. "My favourite moment was our first show. It was pretty rad and everyone had an awesome time" Hayley nodded.

"So up next is the pre-show ritual song" I said trying to keep the spirits high.

"It's none other than My Chemical Romances I'm Not Okay. Me and the guys toured with the My Chem guys in 2006 and they took care of us like nothing else. Ever since we have always listened to this song at some point before a show, the song is just so feel good and gets us hyped up. Here it is" Hayley giggled and pointed at the camera.

"Most of the time on tour you don't get your own space and time to relax on your own so everyone has that one song to escape to" I smiled. "Next up is Blessed With A Curse by Bring Me The Horizon. This song is just very unique and different. Always a good one to drown out the tiring work that there is on tour" I said with a slight smile.

This carried on for another 10 minutes and the fakeness between us was beginning to make me nauseous. Hayley seemed so good at the fake persona between us.

"So we gotta hit the road again. If you see us in town come say hi and we'll see you on tour now" Hayley smiled at the camera and we both cheered.

After the camera stopped Hayley stood up and walked off. I decided I wasn't gonna let it slip. I got up and walked after her.

"Wait up" I called out after her. She stopped and turned to face me, with a confused look on her face.

"Yes?" She asked as if I was the last person she wanted to see. I frowned at her attitude and realised it really was fake. I hoped maybe she was beginning to lighten up but no. She really didn't want me anymore.

"Why do you act so fake sometimes?" I asked as I walked up to her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Seriously? You're gonna do this now?" She asked shaking her head and laughing.

"Yes. When else do I have the chance to?" I questioned.

"Um, you've had 3 months to do this Vic" She said through gritted teeth. "We need to go do this stupid photoshoot then get the hell outta here" She informed me. I nodded and followed her into the next room.

We were being featured in the next Kerrang! issue where the posters were band couples. We didn't exactly make it public that we had split up and our managers agreed to it before we had told them so it was too late to back out.

We walked into a room where there were make-up artists and photographers. Hayley got taken to make-up and I had to go get changed into something they wanted me to wear. I don't get photoshoots like this. It's just some sorta poster for teen girls who totally 'ship' me and Hayley together. I don't even care. They don't know a thing anymore. Nothing.

I was finally ready and I went to wait for Hayley. When she finally walked out my heart skipped a beat. She looked beautiful. It made me insanely happy. I wanted to kiss her but I know she'll probably punch me if I try something like that now. Especially with her new lover Oli on the scene.

She walked over to me and stood. "Okay guys, let's get loved up" The photographer said enthusiasticly. We looked at each other and sighed. This'll be a long day.

Josh Franceschis P.O.V

Fan-fucking-tastic. Oli and Hayley are now hooking up. Am I ever going to catch a break? That girl is just playing with fire and soon she is going to get burnt. Vic looks terrible these days, I almost feel sorry for him until I remember he cheated on her.

"Josh, you okay?" Oli asked me. I looked up and smiled.

"Great" I lied. To his face. I mean I know it isn't his fault that she wanted him but I couldn't believe that he was okay with this, knowing how I felt about her.

"Well, I'm taking Hayley back to my house for the night" He said winking at me and sticking his tongue out.

"What? really?" I asked screwing up my eyebrows.

"She's been stuck on tour buses for months. She might as well get to come to my pad for a night of Oli pleasure" He said proud of himself. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Okay. You have fun then" I said sarcastically.

A few hours later.

I was sitting on my bus when I heard knock on the door. I went over and opened it and a worried looking Tony was standing on the other side.

"What's up man?" I asked. He motioned for me to come outside. I followed him to the other bus and he took me to Hayleys bunk where a bag of pills laid upon her bed. It seemed normal enough to me. "So she has pills? She lost her baby and her boyfriend recently, depression is a serious thing. Maybe it's for that" I shrugged.

Tony picked up the bag and pulled out a smaller bag with white powder inside it. "That doesn't explain this" He said shaking his head.

"Holy shit..." I said.

"She has to of gotten it while we were in the UK as she wouldn't have gotten through customs with it... but from where?" Tony questioned.

The realisation hit me. "Oli" I said and closed my eyes.

"She's with him now" Tony said with panic on his face. I shook my head and punched the nearest bunk. "We should tell Vic" Tony explained. I nodded and we went to find Vic.

We went into the lounge area where Vic was playing Fifa with Mike. They looked up and said hey. "Um guys... we have something to tell you" I said. Vic looked up and shrugged.

"What?" He asked.

"Hayleys on drugs" I said. His face turned into shock and he threw his controller on the floor. Mike screwed up his face and stood up. "We need to go get her" I said shaking my head.