Status: This is a sequel, but you may treat it as a stand-alone story.

Splitting Pearls

First off, let me emphasize something: I Am Happy. People keep looking at me out of the corner of their eyes- I see it all the time. I know that they do this because they think I'm unhappy. I'm not. Everything is fantastic, splendid... swell, even.

If the first thing you should know about me is that I am happy, the second is that no, I don't want to get back together with Marcus. He left me. We kept in touch, of course.... well, kind of. It got a little hard to talk to him without that harrowing feeling of missing him, at least until I started dating again. He just moved back and yeah, we only broke up because he was leaving... but we're just friends now. And I'm okay with that. He's leaving again in a few months and I know better than to get involved again, even if he does keep looking at me with his heart in his eyes. I know how it feels to let him take my heart over state borders and believe me when I tell you that it is not happening again.

Banner by Coy-Creek; Cover by PatrycjaMarciniak, both on DeviantArt