Status: Comment ideas I should update the story with cx

Drug Dealer Girl

Chapter 4

Ragan wolf- whistled and I pulled back to glare at him.

"Nice face," I smirked. He glared at me and I shrugged. "I always end up getting you all out fine! You should be thanking me!"

"Thank you," St. Claire whispered in my ear.

"You're the only reason I do it," I whispered back.

Then he leaned down and kissed me one more time.

"So the guys face you were sucking off is your boyfriend? And he's part of Hollywood Undead, but you're part of 9 Lives so naturally you can't share the fact you're dating. Am I right so far?" Bri asked as we lounged in my small apartment.

"Right-o," I nodded.

"That's stupid! If you get caught, both of you are going to die! Please tell me you started dating before you joined separate gangs. But that wouldn't make sense if you were dating and you decided to join different gangs because-" I cut Brianna off mid-paragraph because I knew that she would keep going until I stopped her.

"We met while doing a drug deal. Well I was. It was my first run and the guy tried to rape me. So out of nowhere Matt showed up and knocked the guy out. So he saved me multiple ways and I've really always been very grateful to him, because without him I probably would have been... Anyway, I ran into him a couple times after and I found out he was one of the Undead. But I still owed him and I really respected him and eventually we became friends. That was about a year ago. After we formed a relationship it grew from there. We've been dating for about seven months," I informed Bri, hoping she followed all of that.

"Do you smoke?" Bri asked when I finished and I wanted to bang my head on a table and slap her.

"I tell you a complex story and all you ask is if I smoke? Really?" I wondered, sounding rather exasperated.

"I know. I listened to your life story. Just answer the question. Do you smoke?" she persisted.

"No," I shook my head. I was puzzled as to why she was asking random questions.

"Snort? What?" she continued.

"I don't do drugs," I stated, wrinkling my nose.

"A drug dealer who doesn't do drugs? What are you on? Oh wait, nothing," she rolled her eyes at me.

"Well I'm sorry I don't do drugs. What are you on?" I replied, not really sure how to continue this conversation.

"Coke mostly. Sometimes marijuana. I've tried meth a couple times," Bri shrugged as if drugs were like her old boyfriends. Use them and then discard them. I just stared at her for a second, probably with a stupid expression on my face before I shook my head and averted my eyes.

"Are you a virgin?" she continued her personal question asking as if she were being paid to do this.

"Yes actually. You sure as hell aren't," I responded. What is wrong with that girl and why am I stuck with her.

"So you're like a good girl?" Bri concluded. This time I actually slapped my forehead.

"Oh let's just ignore the fact that I'm a drug dealer, I'm in a gang, and killed my fair share of people. Well then yes, I'm a 'good girl.' Definitely," I snorted.

"No need to get bitchy! I'm just asking questions," Bri held up her hands in a sign of peace.

"I don't like questions," I snarled.

"I bet you'd like them if, what's his name again, Marc?" she paused and glanced at me for clarification.

"Matt," I replied curtly.

"I bet if Matt were asking you questions, you'd be completely fine answering them," she smirked as if she had just beat me in some imaginary argument contest.

"Yes I would," I answered truthfully. This caused Brianna to frown.

"Not my desired reaction," she mumbled quietly. I grabbed my TV remote off the coffee table and chucked it at her. It bounced off her arm and clattered to the floor. "Ow. That was mean. You're hard to understand," she grumbled.

"Yes. And you're annoying," I smiled in a fake way at her.

"What was the other guys name again? The cute one?" Bri once again randomly decided to change the subject on me.

"Oh god. I can't believe you actually think Terrell is cute. His gang name is Charlie Scene," I scoffed. All I ever thought about Terrell was that he was a major pervert and slightly disgusting.

"He was flirting with me you know? Think he'd be into me?" Bri asked. Suddenly I was a magical expert of everything.

"Totally. But he'd do anything that walks or had boobs," I rolled my eyes at her straightforwardness.

"Works for me," she shrugged. I just gave her a weird look. She was a hyper, slightly insane, drug addicted, gang member that was of course, my responsibility. Just yay.

"Can you invite them over? I'm bored and everyone I'm stuck with seems like an idiot. I mean Truth, Veze, and Gadjet are probably the three dumbest people I've met in my life. Deuce seems smarter, but desperate. But anyway, can your boyfriend come over? And bring his friends?! Please?" Brianna begged, literally jumping up and down with anticipation. What the hell, I might as well invite everyone over to my apartment.

"Fine. But only so you'll shut up. And you can't tell anyone," I demanded, trying to get the point across that our lives quiet literally depended on this secret.

"You think I'm gonna ruin my chances of getting with a hot guy? Please! Have you met me?" she laughed.

"I just met you. And you piss me off," I growled.

"Oh just invite them over. Maybe you'll be able to put up with me if there are others who annoy you more," Bri suggested jokingly. I glanced around my small apartment hoping that not all of the Undead were coming over because I didn't think I had room for them.

"I'm pretty sure you're the most annoying person I know," I pointed out before pulling out my phone and calling Matt.

"Hey gorgeous," he answered.

"Hey babe. Are you busy at the moment?" I asked.

"I'm not. Some of the other guys are," he replied after a short pause.

"You think I care about them? Well Bri does, but whatever. So could you come over?" I practically pleaded.

"Sure. When?" he asked and I almost died of happiness and relief.

"As soon as you can. Is anyone else able to come?" I asked, hoping for some strange reason that Terrell would be here to entertain Bri.

"Um, I'm pretty sure we all can, but what would you be planning on doing?" he replied, choosing to make my poor word choice sound dirty.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what she said. But how many of you are unoccupied at the moment?" I rephrased my question making sure he wasn't able to make a perverted joke out of it.

"So the guys face you were sucking off is your boyfriend? And he's part of Hollywood Undead, but you're part of 9 Lives so naturally you can't share the fact you're dating. Am I right so far?" Bri asked as we lounged in my small apartment.

"Right-o," I nodded.

"That's stupid! If you get caught, both of you are going to die! Please tell me you started dating before you joined separate gangs. But that wouldn't make sense if you were dating and you decided to join different gangs because-" I cut Brianna off mid-paragraph because I knew that she would keep going until I stopped her.

"We met while doing a drug deal. Well I was. It was my first run and the guy tried to rape me. So out of nowhere Matt showed up and knocked the guy out. So he saved me multiple ways and I've really always been very grateful to him, because without him I probably would have been... Anyway, I ran into him a couple times after and I found out he was one of the Undead. But I still owed him and I really respected him and eventually we became friends. That was about a year ago. After we formed a relationship it grew from there. We've been dating for about seven months," I informed Bri, hoping she followed all of that.

"Do you smoke?" Bri asked when I finished and I wanted to bang my head on a table and slap her.

"I tell you a complex story and all you ask is if I smoke? Really?" I wondered, sounding rather exasperated.

"I know. I listened to your life story. Just answer the question. Do you smoke?" she persisted.

"No," I shook my head. I was puzzled as to why she was asking random questions.

"Snort? What?" she continued.

"I don't do drugs," I stated, wrinkling my nose.

"A drug dealer who doesn't do drugs? What are you on? Oh wait, nothing," she rolled her eyes at me.

"Well I'm sorry I don't do drugs. What are you on?" I replied, not really sure how to continue this conversation.

"Coke mostly. Sometimes marijuana. I've tried meth a couple times," Bri shrugged as if drugs were like her old boyfriends. Use them and then discard them. I just stared at her for a second, probably with a stupid expression on my face before I shook my head and averted my eyes.

"Are you a virgin?" she continued her personal question asking as if she were being paid to do this.

"Yes actually. You sure as hell aren't," I responded. What is wrong with that girl and why am I stuck with her.

"So you're like a good girl?" Bri concluded. This time I actually slapped my forehead.

"Oh let's just ignore the fact that I'm a drug dealer, I'm in a gang, and killed my fair share of people. Well then yes, I'm a 'good girl.' Definitely," I snorted.

"No need to get bitchy! I'm just asking questions," Bri held up her hands in a sign of peace.

"I don't like questions," I snarled.

"I bet you'd like them if, what's his name again, Marc?" she paused and glanced at me for clarification.

"Matt," I replied curtly.

"I bet if Matt were asking you questions, you'd be completely fine answering them," she smirked as if she had just beat me in some imaginary argument contest.

"Yes I would," I answered truthfully. This caused Brianna to frown.

"Not my desired reaction," she mumbled quietly. I grabbed my TV remote off the coffee table and chucked it at her. It bounced off her arm and clattered to the floor. "Ow. That was mean. You're hard to understand," she grumbled.

"Yes. And you're annoying," I smiled in a fake way at her.

"What was the other guys name again? The cute one?" Bri once again randomly decided to change the subject on me.

"Oh god. I can't believe you actually think Terrell is cute. His gang name is Charlie Scene," I scoffed. All I ever thought about Terrell was that he was a major pervert and slightly disgusting.

"He was flirting with me you know? Think he'd be into me?" Bri asked. Suddenly I was a magical expert of everything.

"Totally. But he'd do anything that walks or had boobs," I rolled my eyes at her straightforwardness.

"Works for me," she shrugged. I just gave her a weird look. She was a hyper, slightly insane, drug addicted, gang member that was of course, my responsibility. Just yay.

"Can you invite them over? I'm bored and everyone I'm stuck with seems like an idiot. I mean Truth, Veze, and Gadjet are probably the three dumbest people I've met in my life. Deuce seems smarter, but desperate. But anyway, can your boyfriend come over? And bring his friends?! Please?" Brianna begged, literally jumping up and down with anticipation. What the hell, I might as well invite everyone over to my apartment.

"Fine. But only so you'll shut up. And you can't tell anyone," I demanded, trying to get the point across that our lives quiet literally depended on this secret.

"You think I'm gonna ruin my chances of getting with a hot guy? Please! Have you met me?" she laughed.

"I just met you. And you piss me off," I growled.

"Oh just invite them over. Maybe you'll be able to put up with me if there are others who annoy you more," Bri suggested jokingly. I glanced around my small apartment hoping that not all of the Undead were coming over because I didn't think I had room for them.

"I'm pretty sure you're the most annoying person I know," I pointed out before pulling out my phone and calling Matt.

"Hey gorgeous," he answered.

"Hey babe. Are you busy at the moment?" I asked.

"I'm not. Some of the other guys are," he replied after a short pause.

"You think I care about them? Well Bri does, but whatever. So could you come over?" I practically pleaded.

"Sure. When?" he asked and I almost died of happiness and relief.

"As soon as you can. Is anyone else able to come?" I asked, hoping for some strange reason that Terrell would be here to entertain Bri.

"Um, I'm pretty sure we all can, but what would you be planning on doing?" he replied, choosing to make my poor word choice sound dirty.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what she said. But how many of you are unoccupied at the moment?" I rephrased my question making sure he wasn't able to make a perverted joke out of it.

"Three. Charlie, Funny, and I," he responded.

"Just bring Terrell. Alvarez will feel like an awkward third wheel. Or possibly fifth, because Bri is insane and obsessing over Terrell-" this awarded me a pillow in the face from Bri. "So just the two of you. Please hurry! Brianna here is a psycho!" I exclaimed. Matt just chuckled.

"Okay Meggie. I'll be there in 10 or so," he laughed.

"Thank you!!!" I practically screamed into the phone before hanging up.

"I assume you're expecting company," Bri predicted.

"Yes. Your future whatever you plan on having him being is coming over," I told her. I really didn't want to know what her and Terrell would do if they both liked each other.

"Okay. Thanks for inviting him, even though I know you only did it because your precious Mattie is coming over," Bri thanked me in her own way.

"Whatever. They'll be here soon," I muttered.


I heard knocking on door, so I got up and looked out the peephole. Standing there in all their glory were Terrell and St. Claire.

"Hey guys," I greeted as I opened the door.

"Hello love," Matt pecked me on the lips before he and Terrell followed me in. Matt and I sat down on the couch and Terrell started to follow.

"Sit with me," Bri offered. Terrell glanced at her and then down at the chair she was sitting in.

"I don't think both of us will fit," he pointed out.

"I'll sit on your lap," she winked at him and he happily obliged. While they were being flirts together, Matt and I were talking on the couch.

"So who's the new girl?" he asked, pointing over at Bri who was sitting on Terrell's lap and giggling.

"Her name is Brianna. She's a new dealer for 9 Lives," I told him.

"And you trusted her enough to tell her about us?" he whisper-yelled incredulously.

"I had no choice, but she's practically in love with Charlie over there, so her life and relationship also depend on her secrecy," I explained. Matt still looked upset, but I couldn't really blame him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Matt paused and hugged me. "But if you end up dead or hurt in some way because of her, I swear I will fucking kill her," he warned. I just nodded before snuggling close to him.

"They're disgusting," I complained, after glancing at Angel and Charlie (Charlie's Angel [hahahhaha]) who were now sitting in my chair making out.

"No need to tell me," Matt frowned as Angel straddled Charlie and he grabbed her ass.

"Oi! You two! Go get a room!" I shouted. Angel turned around and glared at me before standing up an grabbing Charlie's hand, pulling him with her.

"My place has a room," Angel shrugged before walking out of my apartment with Terrell following like a lost puppy dog. He mouthed 'This is fucking awesome,' before following Bri out and closing the door behind the two of them.

"Well that was moderately traumatizing," I mumbled wishing I hadn't been there to witness that.

"Now that they're gone, what do you want to do?" Matt asked seductively, running his hand up and down my thigh.

"No," I pleaded, grabbing his hand in mine and taking it off my leg. "I don't want to have sex."

"Fine baby, I'm sorry," Matt apologized, pulling me onto his lap and hugging me.

"It's not your fault," I muttered. Ever since I had almost been raped I had hated whenever anyone touched me sexually. I didn't like when Matt rubbed my legs or slid his hands in my shirt. It felt too much like the other time.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked, looking down at me.

"How about we go to the movies?" I suggested. He nodded and pulled me up with him as he stood up. "Anything to get my mind off the fact that two people I know are about to have sex," I shuddered at the thought.

"Where are we going to drive to this time?" he asked as we both walked out of my apartment.

"How about San Diego?" I suggested. It was pretty sad that when you wanted to go on a date with your boyfriend and you had to leave the city. But it was safer and I'd rather keep my life then be found in the city and killed.

"Right this way," Matt indicated to his car. I climbed into the passenger seat and laced my hand with his on the center console. He grinned at me before lifting our intwined hands up and gently kissing the back of my hand. I smiled at him slightly and he leaned down and pressed his booze tasting lips to mine for just one moment.

"I love you," he said as he pulled away.

"I love you too," I told him and I smiled as he drove off down the street toward San Diego.
♠ ♠ ♠
(Well that was lovely wasn't it? All their beautiful language, my nonexistent knowledge of drugs and gangs, and the fact that I have to create personalities for people that I think I'm better off not knowing. Overall this is just a beautiful story. Charming really. I have no idea why I'm writing it. I have no idea what I was thinking. Okay then. Excellent.)