Life Lessons for Every Girl

All girls are fake. We keep up an image of being happy all the time, when in reality, our emotions are just a roller coaster full of highs and lows and the occasional twists and turns. When you think about it, every single girl on this planet acts fake. Why do we keep up this façade of happiness, when in reality, we are crumbling from the pressures of society and the demons of our feelings? Why torture ourselves by keeping our emotions trapped within our tiny fragile hearts?
If you ask any girl these questions, they will probably tell you something along the lines of “I don’t want people to worry about me.”


I can almost guarantee that most girls choose to suffer through this agony because they want to seem perfect. Perfection: It’s what drives most of a girl’s actions. We have to be perfect in everything that we do; how we look, how we eat, how we dress, how we think, even how we walk or talk. If one piece of this “perfection puzzle” is missing, we feel as though we aren’t good enough for society, for ourselves, and for our family.
You’re probably thinking; “Nobody is perfect, so why the fuck do girls care about being perfect if no one in the world is?”

We care because we want to feel accepted.

If society sees that something is different or not perfect about someone– whether it is some sort of disability, personality problems, or even something as simple as a blemish on your face – they immediately shun them, even though they aren’t so perfect themselves.

Life Lesson #1: Being different is bad because “different” is not normal; therefore, different is not perfect.

Ask yourselves these questions: Have I ever ignored one of my friends or distanced myself from them all because they wore something different to school? Have I ever stopped talking to someone all because they started acting like themselves, which was different from what I had expected? Have I ever rejected someone because they weren’t perfect in any aspect of their life? Chances are, most of you answered yes to one or more of these questions. How do you think those people felt when you rejected them in those situations?

Here is your answer: They felt like shit, like they don’t belong, like no one will ever love or accept them.

So to try to make up for their imperfections, these people will try to act perfect in other areas of their life.

Life Lesson #2: Girls compensate for their imperfections by acting perfect emotionally.

But do you know what this does? It allows other people to take advantage of you because they will think that their actions aren’t phasing you.

Here is the reality: underneath the fake happiness is a fragile and heartbroken individual who is taking all these experiences and adding them to an ever-growing collection being harbored in their weak and failing hearts.

And so here is where our story begins; the story of a girl who was hurt in the past because of her imperfections; the story of a girl who tried to compensate by controlling her emotions; the story of a girl who let people take advantage of her because she cared about them so much that it hurt every bone in her body.

Life Lesson #3: To some extent, this is every girl’s story.