Status: Very Active!

The Light in the Dark

Let it Be

I awoke to the loud sound of my alarm clock, as I sat up, my blankets tumbled into my lap and a turned my alarm off. I rubbed my eyes, stretched and yawned before I stood up from my bed and ran my hand through my messy red hair feeling all the knots that were caused from my rough sleeping. My cats, Lilith and Wednesday slowly awoke after me and both stretched. I walked to my closet, looked through my clothes, till I decided on a rather simple outfit, a black t-shirt with two white skeleton hands on it, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a baggy black cardigan with black combat boots. I layed my outfit of choice on my bed then made my way to the bathroom, turning on my shower and letting the water warm up I grabbed a towel and wash cloth. I then took my clothes of rather quickly and then got and the shower, and did what I needed to do then I towel dried my hair and body. The mirror was fogged up and the sink was damp from the precipitation, I wiped the mirror down and grabbed my brush and ran it quickly through my hair, then pulled it into a bun and grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste and quickly brushed my teeth and put everything away. I wrapped my towel around my body then walked into my bedroom and dropped my towel and pulled on my outfit. Lilith and Wednesday were pawing at my door, I snatched up my distressed black shoulder bag and walked to my door then let my cats out, I then followed them as the scurried down the stairs. As we hit the bottom of the stairs, the cats walked to the kitchen waiting to be fed. I sat my bag by the doorway of the kitchen, the walked towards the cats bowls and grabbed them, I sat there water bowls by the sink then filled the food bowls up and sat them back in there original place, then filled the water bowls with water and placed them with the food. I heard the stairs creak and knew my mother was awake. I grabbed two bowls from the cupboard and the box of corn flakes from a top the fridge and sat them on the table, the got the milk out of the fridge and two spoons from the dishwasher. My mother walked into the kitchen and started up the coffee then sat down at the dinning table.

"Well you're up early, Lexa." She stated as she made herself a bowl or cereal.

"Yeah, I went to bed rather early last night, so my alarm was actually able to wake me up." I said as I chuckled and put everything away.

"Well that's good." She said as she made herself a cup of coffee.

I finished off my cereal and placed it in the sink.

"Well I'm going to head to school, I'll see you later, I may head to the library after school."

"Alright, well I'm working the late shit again tonight so I won't be home till early in the morning."

My mother worked as a nurse at the local hospital, and she worked the late shift all the time. So I was used to coming home to an empty house, aside from the animals.

"But anyways I'm going to school, by mom love you." I said as I walked out of the kitchen, I grabbed my bag from the doorway and walked towards the front door, I got my keys from the bowl by the table and walked out of the house, closing the door behind me.