Status: Very Active!

The Light in the Dark

It's Still Rock and Roll To Me

As I stepped out of my house I walked to my old black '67 Chevy Impala, I opened the passenger door and tossed my bag in the seat, then shut the door and then walked around the front of the car to the drivers side, I pulled the door open and slide in shutting the door behind me, as I started the car I heard the familiar song 'Let it Be' by The Beatles. As I backed out of the driveway I turned the volume down a little and started the rather familiar route to school. I lived rather close to the local high school so it took only about 5 minutes to get there, when I saw the school coming up close I pulled into the student parking lot, and since I was rather early today I was able to get a parking spot by one of the few trees by the edges of the parking lot, I turned the car off and pulled the key out of the ignition I stuffed my keys into my back and opened my door, stepped out and shut the door behind me, making sure the doors were locked. The car used to be my fathers and he passed away, from a heart attack, and it was one of the only things I had to remember him by. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked up the side walk to the front doors of the school. I pulled one of the doors open and walked in, the halls weren't too crowded since it was still a little earlier in the morning, I walked down the mail hallway and towards my locker, and as I reached it one of the rather large guys, whom is on the wrestling team and knocked me into my locker, and his girlfriend, who is your typical blonde bimbo started laughing. They then walked away after they had their fair share of laughs at me. I sighed and bent down and picked up all the stuff that fell out of my bag. This was fairly normal for me, most of the people here really didn't like me, mostly because sports was a rather big thing in the part of Ohio, and I was more brains than sports so most people picked on me for that. I put my locker combination in and pulled out all of my books an crammed them into my small locker, I kept the books that I need for first period though as well as the book I was reading at the time 'The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I shut my locker and was met with the face of the one friend I had in this school, his name is Benton LeStrange, he had long brown hair, and light brown eyes. He was wearing a black Billy Joel t-shirt, regular blue jeans and black combat boots.

"Hey Benton."

"How was your weekend Lexa?" He asked as he started walking towards our first period class, Advanced Algebra. Benton and I were both rather smart and almost all of the classes we have are Honors classes.

"It was the same as every other weekend, mom has been working late shits every night now so I haven't been doing anything really. I visited my dad though."

"Oh, that sucks. Well if you want me and you could do something this weekend?" Benton offered, as we walked into the classroom.

"Yeah, that sounds good. We haven't had a chance to hang out together outside of school in awhile." We both made our way to the two seats that were the closest to one of the large windows in the back of the room, I sat in the desk closest to the window and Benton sat beside me. I laid my bag by my feet and pulled my Sherlock Holmes book out of my bag and started reading from the page I had left off on last night. I looked over to see Benton was drawing, so I went back to reading. The room started to fill up with people, and soon all the desks were filled, and not to much after that our teacher, Mr. Reid walked in. He laid his bag on hi desk and started pulling papers out of his bag.

"I have graded the tests from yesterday, and it is very clear some of you still don't understand what we've been going over. So we will go over it again all this week and there will be another test on Monday, for those who failed or made a bad grade, but for those who have passed and made good grades will not have to take the test again. Is that understood?" He asked as he made his way around his desk, the started passing the tests out. Mostly everyone mumbled a yes, which wouldn't really matter because whatever Mr. Reid said we were doing, we were doing it no matter how much we protested. He is a strict teacher but he means well. Soon he reached Benton and I and I had gotten 100%, Benton passed with 85%.

"Once again Lexa, amazing job. And not too shabby Benton."

"Thanks Mr. Reid." I said as I took my test from him and put it in my bag. Benton folded his test up and crammed it in his pocket. Mr. Reid walked back to the front of the class and started teaching the entire lesson we just went over. So I opened my book up and started reading. I was making good process, when Benton started poking me in the side with his pencil.

"What?" I asked as I slammed my book shut.

"Do you have a book I can read? I'm bored."

"Yeah, hold on." I pulled my bag up on my lap and opened it. I had a copy of Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. I held the book out to him and asked if that was okay, he said yes and took the book out of my hands, then started reading from the page I had left off on. I opened my book again and read till the bell rang, signaling it was time for second period.

"Hey, Lexa is it cool if I borrow this book and get it back to you at the end of the day?" Benton asked as he stood up from his desk and grabbed his bag from the floor.

"Yeah, that's find, just make sure that I get it back." I too stood up from my desk and grabbed my bag, putting my book in it, then I slung it over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at your locker at the end of the day."

We then parted our ways for second period because he had Honors English and I had Honors Biology.

I walked towards Biology, which I must admit is my least favorite class, but I had to take it so I just pushed through it. The Biology class room was on the top floor of the school so I hurried towards the stairs, trying to get there before everyone started to flood the stairway, and l with my luck I made it to the stairs before most of the people and hurried toward the classroom. When I reached the class I noticed our teacher was already their. The teacher was a plump short woman named Mrs. Lacey, she was very nice. I walked in and said a quick hello to her and sat at my station, and the rest of the students soon came in and filled the rest of the stations. The class flew by fast, as did the rest of the periods, and they all went by uneventful.

The long school day finally came to an end and I found myself pulling all of my books out of my locker and waiting for Benton to bring my book back. I had waited only a couple minutes when I saw him rushing down the hallways towards me.

"Hey Lexa, sorry it took me a couple minutes got held up in gym."

"Oh it's fine, but thanks for bringing my book back."

Benton handed me my book back gave me a quick hug then said he had to get home. I walked out of the school, to the student parking lot, got to my car and put my bag in the back and started the car, then headed to the library.