Thin Line

Chapter 4

Hurried, I was thinking of a plan to not to be seen. From Meagan’s house to Border’s was about a 10-15 minute drive, depending on the traffic and stuff. I saw David’s big, annoying head and I sighed, getting myself into grovel mode. I walked over to him and smiled,

“I really like that shirt, David? Is it new?” I plastered on the charm like I was fixing a hole in our “friendship”. I looked deep in his blue eyes and smiled widely.

“Why ye…What the heck do you want?” He saw right through my façade. I sighed hard and looked down,

“I wanna work in the storage room today.” David snorted, and walked away. I followed him, almost on my knees. I looked at my watch. This was taking too long,

“That or Children’s Section. I don’t wanna work Teen and Comic’s today.”

“But that’s what you are good at.” Was that a complement coming from David? I shook it off and nearly grasped his hand.

“Please, I will do overtime tonight and the rest of the Saturdays in the month…with out pay.” That peaked his interest, and he nodded slowly thinking on it. I felt my back pocket vibrate. I’m not even going to look at it. All that cell phone has done for me is bring me bad news.

“Alright, but you are over Children and Teens and Comics today.” I sighed and nodded. I could do that. I could just ask Kyle to look over Teens and Comics. I walked over to him and smiled,

“You seem better.” He said, not looking up. He was doing the balancing for this hour, and my eyes narrowed on him. He was balancing! That means he was going to leave soon. No. No. No.

“Kyle! Please say you aren’t leaving yet.”

“Yeah. I have too, Kylie’s wedding is today.” I inwardly groaned and sighed. I should have remembered. Dammit, “Why?” He asked me,

“I wanted you to cover Teen and Comics.”

“I would’ve loved too…but…”

“Yes. I know.” I exhausted all of my sources, so I did what any teenage girl would do in this situation. I pouted. I leaned on the counter of the Children’s section and pouted. The customers with their children walked by and said,

“Now, Hunny, that’s what we call being a spoiled brat.” I glared at them, and crossed my arms tighter. I wanted to hit them and say, ‘Now, Hunny, that’s what we called being bitch slapped.’
Again my phone was vibrating in my back pocket, annoyed I picked it up and huffed,


“Hey!” A male voice said. I didn’t know who, but I could care less,

“Who is this?” I questioned, annoyed. I saw David and hid myself. We aren’t supposed to use our cell phone on the floor.

“Frank,” That’s all he said. I blinked and sighed even harder,

“Oh. Well I’ve gotta work. Bye.”

“Wait…wait!” He cried, and I put a hand on my hip and frustration.


“Do you guys have Batman there?

“Yes. Bye.” I said, hanging up on him. I turned it off completely, and put it in my back pocket. At last the time had come. I saw Meagan walking threw the door, holding on Frank to dear life. They all looked the same. Black hoody, black sunglasses, black hair….well except for the blond guy. I turned around and put my hair a messy bun. I tried to make it look like I was messing around with the kid books, but then I heard the running steps to me. I side stepped the glomp this time and shook my head. I did not want to be glompped to day. Meagan eyed me with so much confusion; I just narrowed my eyes at her.

“Hey, Mari. We were thinking that after you work, we could go out for dinner.”

“ I can’t, sorry. Scotty already decided to take me somewhere.” The lie flew off my tongue so easily. I picked up some children’s books and placed them somewhere else.

“Oh.” She said sadly. I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at the fact that they are in my store.

“You should probably get them out of here before people notice.”

“Notice what?” Gerard interjected. He took a step back from my glare and I picked up another book,

“Who you guys are. The teenies.” I gagged, and walked up the stairs. I heard Meagan following me. She had a distinct walk/run to her. I grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to New Age. I looked at her deep in the eyes,

“Meagan, you know I can’t stand the band, so why bring them here?” She sighed as if I was the stupidest person she had ever encountered,

“Because,” She started, “They wanted comics.”

“But, Meg! I hate them…” I hissed. She shook her head and laughed,

“You hate the music, not the musicians. You don’t even know what they really are.” I was taken a back a bit by her insightfulness. I never really looked at it like that, separating the music and the musicians. I didn’t think it could be done, but I guess it could. Gerard is not his voice. Mikey is not his playing. Bob is not his drum kit. Ray and Frank are not their guitars or their playing ability. For a moment there, I thought I could go down there and talk to them, and then the feeling of disgust came back.

“Whatever, Meg,” I sighed, walking to the Comics area. I was afraid they would destroy the display that I worked hard to do. I smiled, seeing that they weren’t even up there yet. My arms crossed and I looked at my beautiful work.

“So, what’s your favorite comic book hero?” Gerard asked me. I jumped a bit, turning around. My footing slipped and I nearly fell back on my display, but I grabbed his arm and pulled to him. We looked at each other and a blush went across his cheeks. I looked at him blankly,

“Oh, Gee! What did I tell you about touching those minors?” Frank said, coming up the stairs. I took a step away from him and walked to the other side of the Comic section. I saw Megan skip over to Frank. I looked around for Gerard, but he disappeared somewhere. That just made my life—

“Mine is…well they actually are a team, the Dune Patrol.” I nodded and picked up a few messed up books, putting them back in their places. I turned around, and looked at him. He stood there, smirking at me, “Meagan wasn’t kidding at all was she?”

“About?” I inquired,

“About you and liking us?” I sucked in air, and felt betrayed. I looked at the ground and fumbled for words,

“Its not…that I…” Was I getting star struck? No, “No. I don’t like My Chemical Romance at all. I can’t stand you all. I’m really sorry,” Gerard put his hands up as if to say it was okay,

“That is your own opinion but remember I am not always Gerard Way the singer. I am also Gerard Way the person.” I sighed and nearly laughed. Maybe Meagan and Gerard had the right idea. Maybe I should’ve given them a chance. I sighed and walked away from the Comics section.

“Watch out!” Someone cried out to me, I ducked and looked up. The blond one, Bob I think, walked over to me and smiled, “Sorry about that, I was about to throw something at Gerard, but then I decided a store wasn’t the place.”

“You’re fucking brilliant!” Frank cried, from a chair close to us. Ray was down in the music section checking a few bands or looking for his own music, which I had conveniently hid about a month earlier. Megan was looking at Frank with starry eyes, and he didn’t care at all. Maybe it didn’t bother him, but it kinda bothered me. I looked at my watch and grinned,

“Break time. Meagan, I’m heading over to Panera.”

“Panera?” Gerard asked, “What’s that?” My eye twitched and Meagan had the same dumb struck look on her face.

“How…” I started,

“Do you…” She followed,

“Not know Panera?” I finished. The group looked at us, and I sighed, “Panera Bread is the best food, cookies, whatever you want that the world knows of. We are going now. And we are eating.” I decided and walked down the steps. I heard them pile behind me, and suddenly I turned and smiled at Gerard. He looked confused, and then it disappeared as I said, “Spiderman.”

Megan and Gerard were right. I needed to seperate the band from the people. I mean, I could do that right? I hoped for Meagan's sake I could.