Thin Line

Chapter 8

I winced away from the flashing lights. They were so bright in my eyes and the yelling of the people didn’t help. It was as if they all were nothing but flashing lights and voices. I started to shake, from being so scared. I’m not a big picture girl and I wanted to just hide. So, I turned in closer to Gerard, digging my head into his chest. Gerard tensed up; I don’t know if it was from me being so close or the paparazzi.

“Hey, sweetheart! What’s your name! Gerard! Gerard! Can we have a comment on this girl? Is she your girlfriend?” They all yelled at once. It was as if they were all big monsters, trying to steal my soul from there cameras. I wanted to run, and I guess he did too because he turned me from them, and opened my car door.

“Get your keys,” He said under his breath, placing me in the car. I pulled my keys from my purse and felt the urge to turn around and look. I didn’t even notice, Gerard get in the car and close the door, “Don’t turn around. They have a pretty good picture of your face, won’t take long to know your name. Let’s go.” He instructed me, I turned the car on and sped off. Gerard leaned back and closed his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief, “Fuck, fuck fuck!” He growled and I turned to him. I tried to stop my body from shaking, but I was scared. I wasn’t scared of him but the fact that random people were taking pictures of me and wanted to know who I was. That scared the hell out of me... Gerard opened his brown eyes and looked at me softly, “Are you okay. They are fucking idiots, and now in tomorrow’s tabloids they are going to say something like…’Gerard Loves Underage Girls’ or ‘Gerard Has Girlfriend’”

“I’m sorry, Gerard.” I whispered. I felt horrible that all of that was going to be said about him, just because I tripped. I felt like I brought all of that upon him and he defiantly didn’t need to think about his fan’s getting mad because they think he has a girlfriend. He laughed and shook his head, making wisps of his soft black hair fall into his eyes,

“Not your fault.” He said and then beamed, “So where are we going now? Not back to the hotel.” He changed so quickly, from being frustrated and now to being happy again. I could feel my left eye twitch in confusion and he just smiled wider.

“Well, I’m gonna call Megan and tell her heads up.” I said, reaching into my back pocket. I dialed her number and kept my eyes on the road.

“Hello?” She asked, sounding a bit bored. I wanted to laugh and say, serves you right, but I some how contained it.

“Hey! There are some paparazzi on their way. Just be careful, Gerard and me are gonna head back to my house.”

“What about your parents?” She asked. I laughed, and held the phone on my shoulder,

“It’s a Saturday night, Meagan. My parents are either a) at the bar, b) at a club, or c) dead sleep at home, which is a rarity. So I’m gonna keep him over there till day breaks.” Megan started to say something but my eyes shifted over him slowly, deeply enjoying the way the moon hit his figure. I blushed and shook my head, “What did you say?” I asked her. She laughed, and I could almost see her shaking her head,

“Just don’t do anything I won’t do, dear.”

“What?” I squeaked at her. Gerard looked over at me with concern. I shook my head, to tell him it was nothing, “Good bye, Meagan.”

“Good bye, Mari.” Megan said as if she were talking to a puppy. I gagged and hung up the phone putting in my front pocket this time. I shook my head and laughed. I couldn’t believe that she thought that of me. Then again Meagan was voted the most perverted of 2004, 2005, and 2006. And probably will be voted that this year. I heard a song and I looked immediately at Gerard. He jumped a bit and laughed,

“My sidekick.”

“Oh! You rock stars and your expensive things.”

“Fuck you.” He muttered, picking up his phone, “Hello, this is Uncle Jiggy speaking.” I snorted and shook my head. Why of all nicknames would you have Uncle Jiggy? Part of me wanted to know, but from what I’ve learned about Gerard Way I probably don’t want to know, “I donno if you can come to her house? I’m not her.”

“If that is Frank, tell him to go to Meagan’s house. I’ve only got one spare bedroom.” I said.

“She said that she’s only got one spare bedroom.” Gerard replied, trying to say it in a girl voice. Which he did quite well. Then again, he’s not very manly is he? Gerard’s cheeks flushed and he looked down, embarrassed. Well that is interesting change, what a wide range of facial expressions he possesses, “Of course I’m going to sleep in there all night, you dumbass!” He glared and hung up the phone, and I thought for a second I could hear Frank’s laughter. Gerard looked at me with his eyes and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. It wasn’t a….um….you are a weirdo uncomfortable. It was more like why are you looking at me like that uncomfortable with a dash of excitement.

“So?” I started, “What are you in the mood for? I’m so starved…” I said. He laughed and shrugged,

“Whatever you want.”

“Tacos.” I said, slowly and then nodded childishly. He raised an eyebrow, laughing hard.

“Marissa, you are one special person, do you know that?”

“Well, Gerard coming from you, I take that as a complement.” He smirked and I got off at the next exit. I turned on the radio and started to dance in my seat. He sighed and muttered something under his breath, “What was that?” I asked.

“Nothing.” He said a bit too sweetly for me. I rolled my eyes and scrunched up my nose, trying to think of the nearest taco bell. Then I blurted,

“How old are you?”

“29,” Came softly out of his lips. He head was on the window, looking out at the world. Then fear washed over me. I was afraid that I had asked a question that would make him sad. I don’t want him to be sad. Think dammit, think!

“That’s cool you know, you get to um…” I paused trying to think of all the cool things 29 year olds get to do. Nothing was coming up to me. And I looked down, and wanted him to brand ‘Failure’ on my forehead.

“Personally,” Gerard started, “being 29 isn’t different from being 17. You just are older, have more responsibilities and a cooler number than 17.”

“29 is not cooler than, 17. Look who’s driving…the younger person.”

“Yeah! So what? I’m cooler than you because I just am.” I laughed and pulled over to the Taco Bell.

“Whatever, Gerard. You keep dreaming.” I placed the car in park and smiled at him. He gave me the big tooth grin and I just laughed. I pulled out my phone and looked at the clock; in big black letters it read ‘8:58’, “Do you wanna get it and go to my house or do you wanna eat inside?” Suddenly I felt like I was on a date, but luckily the feeling passed.

“Get and Go…” I nodded starting up the car, going through the drive threw. The person on the monitor said in a lackluster voice,

“Hola amigos! What would you be having today?”

“I want two tacos, chicken please,” I looked over at him and smiled. He unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over me to let the monitor hear him better. I blinked and let Gerard basically lay across me. I wasn’t paying attention to a word he said, I was just taking it all in. Its funny how fate is, the guy that I couldn’t stand about four hours ago is now the guy I want to tell my secrets and all my dreams to. Do all things work like that? He leaned up and smiled at me. I took in a deep breath, waking up from my short day dream.

“Drive to the first window please!” The voice said, and I did so. Once getting there I reached in my pocket to pull out my money, and he shook his head.

“I got it.” Was all Gerard said, pulling out some money. I sighed at him, crossing my arms across my body.

“I’ll pay you back, kay?” He shook his head, as I grabbed the food.

“Not necessary.” Gerard said, smiling widely at me. I just gave him a sharp look, and drove off into the direction of my house. The drive there was quick, maybe it was because of the talking and mental problems we both have. I parked in my drive way, and got out. I opened my door and flicked on the lights. I stepped in kicking off my shoes and sat on the couch. Gerard walked in slowly and took his shoes off courteously and I laughed.

“Mi casa es su casa.” I said, feeling a bit Spanish tonight.

“I failed Spanish one, my freshman year.” He answered, sitting on the chair next to me. I turned to him and laughed.

“I said that my house is your house.”

“No, it’s not.” He said, trying to be funny. I laughed a bit and then looked at him with hunger in my eyes. I pointed to my mouth and smiled. He threw me the bag and I opened it with out hesitation. I started to eat and then noticed Gerard’s ever careful gaze on me. I blushed as a piece of lettuce fell out of my mouth.

“What?” I asked him and put my food down. He didn’t answer and I sighed, “What?” I asked louder. He smirked and shook his head, closing his eyes. I ate in silence, sadly feeling the tug of sleep on my eyelids. I heard a soft snoring, and I turned to Gerard, sighing hard. I picked up the garbage, and went into the kitchen to clean up. I came back and poked him softly, “Gerard, come on let’s get you to bed.” He didn’t stir in his sleep. I poke him harder and he grunted a bit. I crossed my arms and kicked his shin lightly, “Gerard! Get up.”

“I don’t wanna.” He mumbled, childishly. I sighed, trying to pull him with my arms. I groaned a bit trying to get him up, but it wasn’t working. I stood there shaking his arms and then with some unknown force he pulled me down into his arms. Gerard wrapped his arms around me tightly and snuggled. My heart was beating at an extremely fast rate, and I tried to slide out of his bear grip. It’s not working. It’s not working! He was still sleep. Either that or he was an extremely good faker. Gerard’s warm breath was going down my neck and I blushed. It felt good to be in his arms. My eyes opened wide at that relization. I squirmed some more to get out of his grip. Please, Oh God! This is not good! Somebody help me!