Bound to Calamity


There are countless things for humans to fear. Some of us fear heights, while others, fire. Some of us have a fear of drowning, or theft. Constantly, in the back of our minds, we’re all afraid of death. Some would gratefully embrace the idea to die, while others would give up anything in their lives to avoid the reality. I personally don’t fear death. I wish it would have come to seek me out ages ago.
A pair of cold hands wrapped themselves around my neck. My body crashed down to the floor with the owner of the hands falling on top of me. I listened as my voice cried out in a painful scream. My body tensed sharply under Cyrus’s weight. “You thought you would escape me, didn’t you Alex?” He asked in a whisper of a voice into my ear. His breath ran across my skin, like a velvet cloth, deathly cold. “No, master… I” “It’s no use to lie.” He chuckled in amusement. “Silly little human. To think you’d learn by now you cannot lie to me.” Sharp nails pierced the skin of my neck, drawing thin streams of blood. “Your fear is a nectarous sent, you know. It makes this all the more fun for me.” Cyrus said licking my wounds gently.
I pushed at him softly. My pulse hammered at the base of my throat. I tried to swallow it down once again. It doesn’t matter how strong I am. I could kick and scream all I wanted, but it would do me no good. I was no match for Cyrus. Nothing can match his power. Living, or undead.
“You wish you could kill me, don’t you?” he asked me. I didn’t respond to him. I don’t think there’s an answer I could give him without aggravating him more. His dark purely black eyes met mine. Usually they’re a light shade of silver, almost colorless. They must have been a tint of blue or hazel during his life; maybe death faded the color out of them.
“Answer me, Alex. Do you want to kill me?
“I can’t kill what’s already dead.” I replied in a soft voice. His lips curled into a thin smile. “How else will you get your freedom if you can’t kill me? That is what you really want, yes?” he asked. I faintly nodded my head. “Yes.” I said. Your death would be a bonus I thought in the back of my mind. I wouldn’t dare say it out loud, if he didn’t hear me thinking it already. “Then let’s make a deal, pet. You do me a favor, and I’ll give you your freedom.” He said. I didn’t bother to try hiding the surprise on my face; chances are he would have detected it anyway. “What kind of favor?” I asked.

“You’re still a human, which means you can walk as freely in the daylight as I can the night time, the only one under my control who can. Never doubt that you are important to me for that.” He said. “There’s a man named Reese, who’s become a problem for me. I’ve sent out for him before, but my men come back to me in body bags. He’s obviously no match for the dead, but I’m curious to see how strong he is against a living foe. I want you to find this man, and kill him. I don’t care how.” “Kill?” I asked surprised. “I can’t kill him, master.” “Why not? You can’t possibly be worried for your soul. You’re as damned to hell as I am. You have nothing to lose.” He said. He leaned in closer to my ear. “Kill this man, and I’ll give you your freedom.” He ushered in a sweet whisper of a voice.
My freedom? Is it really this simple? If I commit one more sin, he’ll just let me go. It sounds too easy. My freedom, for a death. After all the hell he’s put me through, my only way out could be right in front of me. As wrong as it could be to accept, I can’t help but feel that it would be a fatal mistake to refuse him. “I’ll accept.” I said softly.
“Very good, Alex. Very good.” He kissed my neck softly, as his fangs brushed against my skin. “I have no doubt you’ll be… successful in this mission. If you shall fail, it would be a waste to lose your body while I still have use for it.” He said in a dark voice. He bit down onto my neck. The sharp sensation of his fangs breaking my skin drew a gasp form me. My blood flowed steadily out of my neck, as he feverishly drank it up. My hands formed two tight fists above my head with his grip on my wrists. His cold mouth sucking violently against my skin… A chance to escape from him finally shows itself. Everything comes at a price, but the way I see it, it’s either Reese’s life, or mine. I’m willing to give anything I have to make sure it’s Reese.