Status: Will Updated Frequently.

The Real Monsters Live Inside Us.

Oh What A Nerve To Wear A Smile In A Time Like This.

I wake up to the sound of the alarm blaring in my ear. I get up and get dressed in a hurried fashion, choosing to wear my black skinny jeans, a plain red shirt, black vans, my Poe gauges, and denim vest. I apply my simplistic wing-eyeliner and light brown eye shadow, along with some mascara and red lipstick.

"This is as good as it's going to get." I say as I look in the mirror. Knowing very well that it's my last day of my junior year of high school. Two days from now, I will be on a plane, headed for London, along with a bunch of other kids in my junior class. Thankfully, Sadie and Trevor, my two best friends in the world,will be there with me. Maybe this trip won't be that bad.

"Darcy! Trevor's here," my mother calls from the kitchen. "hurry or you'll be late!"
I grab my messenger bag and then run down the stairs and out the door, saying bye to my mom behind me. I get in Trevor's car and am greeted by the scent of old cigarettes and the loud music blaring from the radio. Combichrist's "Play Dead" is blaring in my ears.

"Why hello, my dear," Trevor says with a smile. I do my daily clothes intake, wondering if I can pick on him today for what he's wearing or not. He's wearing black skinny jeans, a black Combichrist shirt he got from their tour a few years back, and black and white checkered vans. The only thing I notice wrong with his outfit is his gauges are these hideous red ones that he always wears.

"Get some new freakin plugs already!" I say with a laugh as we pull up to the school.

"Hey,I'll have you know, these plugs were a gift from Sadie, so shut it!" he says with a laugh.

As we walk into the school we get a healthy dose of reality as we realize that our junior year is over and we are going to be seniors next year and then the following year we will be in college and will most likely never see each other again. We find Sadie sitting in her usual spot, and head over to greet her. We spend the next hour together, due to homeroom, but when the bell rings, we all head in our separate directions.

I head to the library, only to be greeted by the nine people in the whole school I dislike.
"Fuck my life." I mutter under my breath when they see me.

"Don't you know this is our turf?" The leader, and the tallest member of their clique, Chris, asks me.

"You can't own a library. Besides do any of you fucktards know how to read?" I probably should have just walked away but I am over their bullshit.

"Just get lost loser. Go write in your stupid journal, or jump off the roof of the school for all I care. Just do it somewhere else." Chris's sidekick, Michael Kuza, replied.

I rolled my eyes and went and sat in the far end of the library, ignoring their request, which pissed them off because they knew they weren't in control. I pulled out my headphones, and put on Marilyn Manson and then pulled out my journal and started to write. That was when they Chris and Kuza started throwing paper balls at me, I looked up and glared and went back to writing.

** I often find myself dreaming of the day I can leave this dead end town. I dream of the day in which I no longer have to deal with idiots like Chris and Kuza, of days where I spend my time focused on my writing and not worrying about what torment someone is going to put me through. Most of all, I dream of the days in which I no longer remember that night, and the horrors that live within my nightmares because of it.**

That was as far as I got in my journal entry, because the next thing I knew, it was pulled out from under my arm, and the nine jackasses were running out of the library with my most precious possession; for what lay within that journal, was my soul and my darkest secret.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Title is from Do Your Worst by New Years Day*

Well there's the first chapter, I am just trying this story out. Rate, Comment, Subscribe and I will update.

Darcy's outfit