Status: Will Updated Frequently.

The Real Monsters Live Inside Us.

I keep my secrets safe, I keep them hidden away from you

I ran out the door and frantically searched for the nine guys. I was frantically searching for the very thing that gave me hope and freedom from people like them. I was searching to keep my secrets safe from the likes of them. I could not imagine how I’d feel if they were to read that book, the one I call my haven, my escape; my sanctuary. Why the hell did I stay in the library?

As I was running down the halls, I saw one of them turn the corner and run down one of the lesser-used hallways, where the lighting came from the windows. It was eerily dark today. I looked out the windows as I passed by them; there was a storm brewing within the clouds and the gods had come to fight.

I continued after him, when I caught a lucky break (for once today). He obviously didn’t know this hallway very well, because he ran straight into an old storage room, one that only had one door acting as an entrance, as well as an exit; he was cornered now.

“Give me my fucking journal now!” I said with venom dripping from each word. I was done playing games, and I wanted my journal back.

“Sorry, but I don’t have it. Chris gave it to Balz.” He said with hands held high in defense.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I was in a state between anger and disbelief.

“You’re Darcy right? You’re the one that writes beneath that old tree behind the school right?” He didn’t know about the continuous conflict between me and his boys.

“Shouldn’t you know this, I mean you do hang out with them, after all.”

“Well, I actually haven’t been friends with them for too long. I’m Brandon, Brandon Richter, or Brandon Rage as they call me.” He stated proudly.I pinched the bridge of my nose and then asked him the two things I really needed to know: 1) Where are they? And 2) Did they read it?
“They haven’t read it..yet. They gave it to Balz and then Chris, Kuza, Ange, Ricky, Josh K., and Ryan all went to his house. So that leaves me, Balz, and Ghost here at school. I don’t have it, so go find one of them.”

That was when I turned and left. I searched the halls for another hour and half, until the final bell rang. I went and collected my things from my classes and then headed to my locker so I could clean it out. That was where I found it, along with a note that read:

We all have things that live within us, things in which we wish we could drown. Everyone has secrets. Learn to keep them safe, rather than told in a journal, where anyone can find them. See you in London, Darcy.
-Josh Balz

I couldn’t believe he didn’t keep it. I would have to take his advice, especially after this incident. That didn’t mean I knew or understand what he meant by the first sentence. Did he know? If so, how? My family and my friends didn’t even know, so how could he? This was a question that would puzzle me for the next few days, until I could somehow get him away from his friends and ask him what he meant by the note. Until then, I guess I’ll be busy wondering.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun, Dun, Dun.... suspense. :O

I decided that I was going to incorporate their tour manager Josh Korrel, as well as Angelo, because as far as I am concerned, I consider them apart of MIW.(same with Kuza)

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**Title credit: Saosin**