Status: Will Updated Frequently.

The Real Monsters Live Inside Us.

It’s like everything turned into a dream, A dream without an end.

**It’s like everything turned into a dream, A dream without an end. I can’t remember what happened, I just remember you and how you made me laugh out loud. When you decided to go, I wish I could have gone with you.I don’t like it here, anymore, and I don’t like being alone. And when I cry, who is going to make it okay? When I fall, who is going to carry me? Tell me, what are we gonna do now?**

I never told my mother. She would have never looked at me the same way again. You see, I used to have an older brother named Kyle. Kyle was murdered one night when he came looking for me. My secret is, that I live with the constant guilt and agony of his death. I bet most people don't think it'sthat bad, but it gets worse.

It was my freshman year of high school and was back when I was actually friends with Chris, yes, we were once really good friends, and then somehow, in the blink of an eye, my entire existence had been tragically flipped, all in the course of one evening.
It was Halloween night and I wasn’t supposed to go anywhere, due to the fact that I was grounded, but I snuck out and met Chris and Kuza out behind the high school. From there we went to a party that was supposed to be upper-classmen only, how Chris had swung that, I don’t know. What I do know is that I got wasted and wandered away and into the nearby woods. That was where it all happened. I heard Kyle calling my name and so I yelled "I'm here"with a drunken slur to my voice. He wasn't the only one in the woods that night. An older boy, whose name I didn’t know then, and still don't know, had followed me into the woods that night, with nothing but evil intent.

Before Kyle emerged into the clearing where I was standing, I was tackled to the ground. I let out a scream and the boy who had tackled me smacked me hard across the face and then covered my mouth.

"Scream again, and I'll cut your pretty little throat." he warned with a knife in hand. Little did he know, one scream was already enough. Kyle charged through the trees and knocked the guy off of me, but in doing so, the knife had cut my wrist, and deep.

"Darcy, run! Run home, now!" Kyle commanded.

I did as I was told, and ran all the way home and locked the door behind me. I didn't know that was the last time I would ever see my brother alive. The reason I never told anyone who killed my brother, or the fact that I was there, is because every year, I get a reminder from HIM. Every year on the anniversary of my brother's death, I get a text message, one that says:

HIM:I hope you remember that night in the woods, Darcy. Don’t think I wouldn’t love more than anything to come to your house and finish what was interrupted that night. Tell anyone, and I won't refrain from allowing my knife to cut your pretty little neck.

After that night, I slipped into a deep depression. People who I thought were my friends, stopped talking to me. Chris and Kuza and the rest of the guys began to pick on me, but I could care less. None of themknew. None of them has had to live with what I have for the past 2, almost 3, years. They wouldn't understand.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Wait For Me by Shiny Toy Guns, also the header of her entry are from this song.

There's the secret. It's not as bad as what it could have been, but it is still a heavy weight on her shoulders. Also, Darcy is an only child as the result of her brother's death; it's only her and her mother.

Hope y'all enjoyed it.

As always,
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It'll lighten up a bit in the next chapter. This was kind of a filler