Status: Will Updated Frequently.

The Real Monsters Live Inside Us.

If London's Calling Don't You Dare Pick Up The Phone

I couldn't stop thinking about last night. It wasn't because I was mad at myself for allowing Josh to kiss me, or for kissing him back, but I couldn't wrap my head around someone knowing the secret I have held onto for the last 2 years. The question I kept asking myself was; what happens now?
I walked down the hall and round the hall, only to slam hard into something, or should I say someone. I fell to the ground upon impact. When I looked up, I was surprised to see that the person was offering me their hand. I was surprised because this person had not done a single nice thing towards me in the past 2 years. Chris. Usually he would have laughed and made a snide remark, he would usually walk away after he was finished taunting me.
Even though he wasn't laughing, he wasn't smiling either, but in that moment, I saw a part of Chris I had not seen since that night; he was concerned.
"You should pay more attention to where you're walking." His tone wasn't full of hate or disgust, but rather one of caution.
"I'm sorry." I said and then proceeded to walk away, but was unsuccessful in doing so. Before I could get away from Chris, he grabbed my wrist.
"I really need to talk to you. But not here." He stated.
"Why do you need to talk to me? You have not said a kind or decent thing to me since 9th grade, Chris! So, please just let go of me and we can pretend this whole thing never occurred." I was seething. I had so much repressed anger towards Chris, that I could not control the venom in my voice.
"Damn it Darcy, would you just let the past go for once? And have a conversation with me? Is it so hard?" He was angry.
"About what Chris?" I yelled. "About what? About the fact that you are an asshole? Yeah, let's have that conversation right fucking now!"
"Do you know why I honestly cannot stand you? Do you?" He asked in a tone that could only be described as rage. I didn’t answer, which caused him to continue with his rant.
"It's because you're a liar, Darcy. It's because you lied about being at that party that night. It's because you lied and told everyone you weren't in the woods where they found Kyle. You lied when you said you had no idea who killed Kyle. Most of all, you lied to me. You lied to me when you told me you didn’t care about me, and you lied about how you no longer wanted anything to do with me or my friends. The worst part about that is the one thing you never knew, because you cut me out of your life 2 years ago. The worst part of this shitty situation is that I was in love with you! I would have done anything and everything to help you, but you shut me out!" He yelled, while I was shocked into silence.I allowed him to continue knowing this was far from over.
"And now you're running around with my best friend! Did you know that my room has a perfect view ofthat fountain? I saw you two." That was it, he was done.

​​"How do know?" Was all I could ask.
"I know, because I came after you that night when I saw that guy following you. Damn it, Darcy! Why did you lie for so long?" I couldn't look at him. I couldn’t look at him knowing there were tears forming in my eyes. Chris would do this. Just when I had begun to have feelings towards his friend, he would pull out a low blow such as this.
That was when I turned and ran back down the hall and into my room, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. I got under the covers and cried for an hour and a half. I cried for Kyle, I cried for Josh, I cried for Chris, most of all I cried for being dealt the shittiest hand in the game of life. Finally, sleep came and took me away from all of this, even if it was for a few hours.
[*Chris's P.O.V.*]
She ran away from me. After finally admitting the reasons why I consistently made her life a living hell, she ran away from me. I fucked up, this I know, but I cannot let whatever is going on between her and Balz occur without a fight. Not when I still have feelings for her. I refused to allow Balz to be the one to help her put the pieces back together.
I walked down the hall and headed straight for Ryan and Balz's room. I knocked on the door and waited for them to answer. To my surprise, it was Balz's ex-girlfriend, Amy who answered the door.
"Chris! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in so long!" She said with enthusiasm.

​​"Uh, nice to see you, Amy. Is Josh here?"
" Yeah, he's in the shower though." She said in her sickeningly sweet voice.
"When he gets out, tell him to meet me down in the vacant lounge. He'll know which one I am referring to." I said and then left. If he was back with Amy, and was planning on stringing Darcy along, I was going to kill him. I guess I won't know until our little chat.
I walked downstairs to the lounge and waited for about 20 minutes, before Josh showed up. It was just the 2 of us in here. I gestured for him to take a seat in the chair across from me.

​​"Amy said you wanted to meet here. So what's up?" He asked.

​​"Why was she in your room?"

​​"It's none of your business as to why she was in my room."

​​"If you're back with her, then why did you kiss Darcy the other night?" His eyes went wide at the mention of Darcy.

​​"How do you know about that?" He asked in a panicky tone.

​​"I know because I saw you two! My fucking room has the best view of that garden!" I could not believe he of all people would pull such an asshole move.

​​"Why do you care? You're the one who has been fucking with her life for the past 2 years! I however haven't done anything to her."

​​"​​What do you call gaining her trust, only to fuck her over in the end?" I raised an eyebrow and watched as he squirmed. He knew I had him caught.

​​"Whatever, Chris. I'm nowhere near as big of an asshole as you are. And FYI, Amy and I are not together, so nice try. If you want Darcy, as much as I do, then prove it."
"Games on then, asshole." I will be the victor. I will not give up until the bitter end.
"Game on." He said as he walked out the door. This was not going to end well and I knew it. I was just about to walk out of the lounge, when Darcy herself walked in.
"Hi." She said quietly. She looked nervous, like she was scared to be anywhere alone with me. I bet she thinks I'm going to yell at her again.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have--" I started but she interrupted me.
"Did you mean what you said?" She looked me dead in the eyes. I noticed hers were bloodshot. I made her cry. God, I am an asshole.
"I meant everything I said, Darcy. I meant every word." I said looking her straight in the eye.

​​"Oh." She sounded as though she was surprised by sincerity.

​​"Darcy, about Josh…" I began.
"What about him?" She gave me a look that told me I was treading on thin ice.

​​"I just think you need to be careful with him, is all." I told her softly.

​​"Oh, okay?" She said while furrowing her brow.

​​"I'll see you later, Darcy." I said as I stood up from the couch and headed to the door behind her. I was almost to the door, when I stopped and did something she obviously wasn't expecting; I kissed her. The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever, but in reality was only a few minutes. I kissed her gently, with a fiery passion. I noticed that when I broke the kiss, she was breathless and her face was flushed.
"Holy shit." She said under her breath. I laughed a quiet laugh and then quickly kissed her once more, and then walked out the door and went back to my room, hopingthat the kiss we sharedwasbetter than the one she and Balz had shared the night before. Only time will tell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: Anberlin​​

​​​​So I kind of got this idea and it has shaped the plot a bit more, so I am running with it. I hope this hasn't thrown anyone off. It's just getting started still so it'll even out soon.

As Always,
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