Full Moon

Chapter 1

*beep beep beep beep* Fuck. 6:25 in the morning. God. I get up out of bed and focus. My lamp turns on in my room. I grab clothes and quietly walk out of my room and up the stairs (my room is in the basement). I quietly go through the kitchen and up the main stairs to the upper level trying not to wake anyone. I have two step brothers. There's five of us in our family, and we all have some sort of magic or supernatural ability. My mom is a witch, like me, except she's a healer and makes medicine, she's a kitchen witch. Our towns pharmacist. Their dad is a wizard. I use my powers to turn on the shower. I shower and get out. I put on my black skinny jeans, a black and white striped shirt and jewelry. I wear my jacket and black converse. I look at myself. Ew. Now I'm not one of those girls that seek attention or anything, but I know why guys don't like me. I'm not exactly the skinniest girl in our school. The thing I hate the most are my hips, they're really big. I run back down the two flights of stairs to my room. I brush my red hair, the cool thing is I have red hair but I'm not a ginger. I have really curly hair too. I put eye liner around my blue eyes and mascara, with my coverup and foundation. I go upstairs to get something to eat. I see my step brother just chillin at the kitchen table eating Cheerios. I open the pantry and say, "Good morning beautiful."
My response is him using his powers and slamming the door shut really hard and loudly nearly missing my hand. "Dammit Max!"
No response. Max's the oldest, he's a junior. Then it's me, Savannah, then Noah. We are both sophomores but I was born in September and he was born in October. Max and Noah both have brown hair, Max's eyes are green but Noah's are a light blue. Speak of the Devil.
"What was that noise?" Noah said as he came downstairs.
"Your brother had a tantrum and slammed the door shut on me."
"Go Max!"
"Fuck the both of you."
"Ouch. I'm telling mom." I rolled my eyes and said, "She isn't even your mom! She's my mom!" Max spoke up this time, "Yeah well she became our mom as soon as ours walked out on us." Whenever they talk about their mom I start to feel bad.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Noah said.
"Okay, so I'm leaving in 10 minutes and I'm not waiting for you kids." Max said. He drives us all to school. Noah and I both took off for the bathroom. We only have one bathroom that us kids have to share. It sucks. I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth, as did he. Noah always makes a mess whenever he does things. It's like whenever he gets his hair wet, he shakes it like a dog. Well, he is a dog so I can't complain there. He's a werewolf. So is his best friend, Jason. Actually a lot of his friends are. Oh my God I get it now. He's like the Alpha male and Jason is the Beta male. I'm a genius. They're like a wolf pack. Max shouts from downstairs, "Let's go! I'm leaving now!" We quickly run downstairs, grab our bags and run outside to Max's silver Jeep.
"Shoutgun!" Noah shouts. Dammit. I try to get into the backseat but it's kinda difficult because of all Max's shit back here. Noah puts a CD into the car radio. They both like this weird rapper who's name I can't remember, but it starts with a letter A. I just put in my headphones and listen to my iPod and stare out the window waiting to get to school.
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first chapter! :)