Full Moon

Chapter 12

It's been a month since we've talked. It's also been a month since my mom started making me take medicine for my so called, 'depression'. If they only knew the real cause for my sadness, then maybe they would understand. I decided to take a visit into the woods behind our school, finding the cave where the wolves get taught. I found their teacher, Mr. Hughes behind a desk in the cave. It doesn't sound like a nice place, but it's like designed for a classroom and everything. "Hi, Mr. Hughes?"
"Oh yes, come in, come in. You must be Savannah."
"Uh, yeah. How did you know?"
"I have an instinct, you could say. And I could smell you. I hope that doesn't creep you out or anything. It's a dog thing I'm sorry." I laughed, "It's alright. I'm used to it with my brother."
"Ah, Mr. Taylor. He's a...special young man, isn't he?"
"Oh yeah, he's special all right." He pointed to a desk and told me to take a seat.
"Now, you aren't one of my students, so tell me, why are you here?"
"Can you tell me about the uhm...mating circumstances?"
"Well I can, but why would you need to know?" I froze up.
"Oh I'm just kidding. Well technically, a werewolf is supposed to be with a werewolf. Normally all species stay within their species. But that's not always the case. Some wolves just never find the right wolf, or they just never could have the chance because they've already found their choice of mate."
"Why is it so frowned upon? Like why can't other wolves just accept the fact that some people are different and enjoy other types of people?"
"You seem to be speaking from experience, I presume? It's not just that, you know. It's the things that they do. Once every month wolves go through heat. It's basically like a night where the wolf needs it's mate. And normally it's a thing that they would do while in their wolf form, but if they mate with someone that isn't a wolf, then that person better be open to doing more....animalistic things." "Oh. How does one know when they wanna mate with someone?"
"They just know. And when the time is right, they mate....if you understand what I mean. And when they do, the woman will have a dark mark on her left wrist, marking the fact that she's with a wolf, regardless if she's a wolf or not." He noticed I didn't say anything for a couple seconds.
"Look, Miss. Jordan, is their something you would like to talk about? Something about a specific someone?"
"No, no thanks. But when I'm ready to talk, I'll come straight to you. So you better be ready." I got up ready to leave, and then I asked, "When is their time if the month that thy go through heat?"
"Well, it varies for each wolf, but if you would like to know, I might just leave my files unattended while I walk over here to put something away..." He walked over to the book shelf. I ran over to his files. I found the file labeled, Reider, Jason. I took out the folder. I checked his time. This weekend. Its on, bitch.