Full Moon

Chapter 15

I sat at my kitchen table wearing my Big Bang Theory t-shirt and a pair of big sweatpants. It turns out Jason brought an extra set of clothes in his backpack, so he was wearing sweats and a t-shirt too. "Can you crack this egg for me?" I made him make me breakfast.
"No. You make breakfast. That's how sex works, if you're lucky. And I'm lucky. So shut up and make my omelette. Oh and I want ham in it too." It was my mission to get him mad to prove that he'll be stuck with me forever. But he just said in a dull tone, "As you wish my queen."
"You're my bitch now." He just smirked as he finished making me food. I examined the dark mark that was on the inside of my left wrist. It was like a black smudged tattoo that could never be removed. It was like a black bruise that will never fade. He placed a plate in front of me with my omelette on it. "Oh thank you." I said as I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. There was a counter in between us, but I don't give a fuck. I was sitting and he wasn't so I could tell it was kind of uncomfortable for him. I pulled away.
"I think I should go now. Max and Noah will be home soon." I left my omelette on the counter and followed him downstairs.
"Who cares if they're coming home. Stay here with me. You can live down here." I said.
"As tempting as that sounds, I can't." My response was, "Party pooper, no cake for you."
"But I'll visit you later. Or Monday at school."
"I like later better."
"I knew you would." He smirked and kissed me goodbye. As soon as he walked out my door, the one upstairs opened. I walked back upstairs to Noah sitting on the table eating my omelette. I just groaned and sat down on one if the chairs. "Was this yours?" He asked.
"Oh...well too bad." And he continued eating it.
"Where's Max?" I asked.
"Oh he went upstairs to take a shower." I got up to go get a glass of orange juice. "Wait...." Noah said.
"What?" I turned around to face him.
"Something seems off."
"What do you mean?" He got off the table and started to walk over to me. He started to sniff me. "What are you-" He looked at me.
"No. You didn't."
"Didn't what?" Oh fuck I'm in trouble. He grabbed my left wrist.
"Why? You're only 15. Why? Oh my god. I'm going to kill him." He started to go towards the front door. I blocked it saying, "It wasn't his idea! Well not at first."
"What do you mean not at first? You have no idea do you? About anything? You are bound to him forever. FOREVER. This isn't like some lame ass lie and you can just leave him whenever you want. Say in life you meet someone, a wizard or some douchebag that you think loves you, well guess what? You can't leave. And if you find a way to leave, he will have to be alone for the rest of his life." "I know that! I understand! I read about and I researched about it and everything!"
"You see, that's the thing with you witches and wizards. You guys fucking thing you know everything because you can read a fucking book. Newsflash: so can everyone else."
"What's going on?" Max said as he came downstairs. Noah looked at him and then back at me, "I hate you." He said to me.
"No...Im so sorry. I didn't think-"
"Exactly. You don't think about anything. He's my best friend." Max spoke up, "Hey! Look at the bright side, in 3 years he can be your best brother in law!"
"I will eat you." Noah said to him.
"Oh...okay...well I'm going to go someplace else that...isn't with you two." And be ran back upstairs. "I'm so sorry." I went in to hug him, but he just backed off.
"No, not this time." And with that Noah walked out the front door.