Full Moon

Chapter 3

I walk down the long flight of stairs to the dungeons where my special class takes place. My teacher, Mrs. Caputo, is there sitting at her desk waiting for the class. She's from Long Island, so she has a wicked strong accent. She has really blonde hair that she always has poofed up and these wicked long nails. I got placed in the advanced class for the witch stuff because my mom is a witch and already taught me all she knows. My brother Max enters the room with his friends (because im advanced im with the older kids). Everyone takes their seats. Mrs C starts talking about what we learned last class, the Salem Witch Trails of 1692. I pull out a sketch book and start to draw a dog that I've been seeing lately in my dreams. It's a big black dog that has blue eyes. It has a nice shiny coat. it's weird because I've never seen it before. "Savannah?"
"I asked you a question."
"Oh I'm sorry. What was it again?"
"Where were the accused hung?"
"Oh wasn't it like gallows hill or something?"
"Yes! Good job. It looks like someone has been paying attention..." Little do you know lady. A balled up piece of paper is tossed on my desk. It said "Savannah you going to the party? Haley told Nathan you were so he told me. -Max" Oh Max... I write back
"Wow good news sure does travel fast...and why does it matter if I go or not? And as a matter of fact I am going! -S" I throw the paper to my left while the teacher wasn't looking. I get a response as it hits the side of my head. I hear snickers from that section of the room. Ha ha. It says, "Well ill take you to get your costume after school. Noah and I have to get ours too -Max" I look over at him and give him a thumbs up. The bell rings signaling that class is over. Max comes over to where I'm sitting. He snags my sketch book. "Max give it back." He looks at the picture of the dog.
"Hey man this is really good!" He hands it back to me.
"Thanks! It's weird because I keep imagining it in my head but I've never seen it before." We walk towards to main lobby area.
"Mhm..that is weird."
"Ew look at this little incest-festation we got going on over here!" Liam Holmes and his 'friends' start laughing at us. Max is my brother and for some reason people think we hook up at our house. Gross. I mean, like dont get me wrong. It's not that Max isn't attractive. I mean he is, but no. Never. Besides I like someone else....
"Liam you're a troll so just shut up and go back to that bridge you call home." I shouted back to him. That shut up him quick. Max and I meet Noah at the car where we were supposed to meet. While we are driving, Max tells Noah about my drawing. "I wanna see it!" I pull out my sketch book and show Noah.
"I keep seeing this dog in my dreams, it's really weird." His face turns white.
"Yeah that is weird.." He seems like he's hiding something. We go to the big costume store in town. All the citizens are shopping for their costumes too. All the 'normal' teenagers know who the 'not normal' teenagers are so we have to watch out backs here. We enter the store. I have an idea as to what I wanna be already. I walk over to the women's section and grab a Harley Quinn costume. I try it on. It fits perfectly. I pay for my costume myself because I want it to be a surprise. As do Noah and Max with their costumes. We get back in the car and drive home.

**fast forward to later that night**
I sit at my desk in my room in our basement (hey it's furnished okay?). I'm studying for my Biology test tomorrow. I hear a weird scratching sound at the door outside. I have a set of stairs that leads from the backyard down into the basement with the nice patio doors. I go over to the door slowly. I flick on the light. It's a black dog with blue eyes. Holy shit.
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third chapter! :)