Full Moon

Chapter 4

The dog kept barking and jumping up on the door. I slowly opened the door and let it in. It ran in the room and sat down staring at me with its tongue hanging out. "Hi..." I said. Oh great look at me talking to dogs. It barked at me.
"No no no! Shh! You have to be quiet so no one knows your here!" I said. The dog seemed to understand and laid down on the floor. It looked like it kind of nodded at me as in approval. The dog seemed nice so I walked over an started to scratch it behind the ears. "Now are you a boy or a girl..." I wondered aloud. I checked really fast to see.
"So you're a boy dog, huh? Well you must be thirsty. Or hungry or something. I'll be right back don't move!" I told the dog. I left the room and made sure to close the door quietly behind me. I walked up the basement stairs pondering everything that just happened. I flicked on the kitchen light and jumped. "Jesus! Noah what are you doing?!" I see Noah sitting at the kitchen table eating chocolate cake.
"I...I..I EAT WHEN IM SAD DONT JUDGE ME!" He gets up from the table and runs upstairs. Why is everyone in my family special? I take care of Noah's mess, and grab a bowl. I fill it up with water at the sink. I quickly turn off the lights and go back downstairs. The dog is laying on my bed. "Oh no no no. Here." I place the water on the floor and the dog gets up and walks over to it and starts to drink. "Wow you're really thirsty, aren't you boy?" I say.
"Like you can really understand me.." The dog looks up and stares at me. This is getting weird. I look at the clock. It's 11:58. I quickly change into my pajamas as the dog climbs back up onto my bed. I start to complain, but the look on the dogs face made me shut my mouth. I climb into bed and turn off my light. I scratch the dog behind the ears and turn on my side and drift off to sleep.
**fast forward to morning**
I wake up to my alarm. It's Friday. I remember the dog, I realize it isn't on the bed. "Boy?" I ask as I look around my room. The dog was gone. "Huh.." I said. I go through my daily routine and get ready for school. I pick out a v-neck dark purple shirt with a dark blue tank top, a pair of skinny jeans and my black converse. I put on my makeup and go upstairs. "Hey." Max says to me as he eats Fruit Loops.
"Morning." I said back. I put 2 waffles in the toaster. "So why was Noah all upset last night? I caught him smuggling cake."
"Oh nothing...it's just a girl he likes has a boyfriend or something."
"Really? Awe that stinks!"
"Yeah, he was pretty bummed about it." My waffles pop up. I grab them and put them on a plate. Noah comes downstairs. He seems down and sad. I walk over and pull him into a hug saying, "I know this is very cheesy, but I just want to let you know that any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend."
Max runs over and shouts "GROUP HUG!!" I try to shush him but its a good laugh so there is really no point to it. I give Noah my other waffle. Today is gonna be a good day, at least I hope.
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