Full Moon

Chapter 7

I woke up in an uncomfortable position on the couch with Noah. When they got home he and I sat and watched tv and we both just crashed. We both heard the basemen door creak open and we saw Max. "Rough night?" I asked laughing. He grumbled some weird sound and walked over to the fridge to get something to drink. I just shook my head and laughed.
**fastforward to afternoon**
"I can't believe your parents are letting them go back out after what happened last night.." Nicole said as she went through the racks of clothes at American Eagle at the mall.
"Well, they're going to the Lucas' so I don't think anything serious is gonna happen." I told her.
"Okay so last night at the party Nicole caught Ma-" Haley started to say until Nicole cut her off.
"Don't talk about it!!" She said and she looked really sad.
"What happened?" I asked. Now I want to know.
"Well...I caught Matt kissing some other girl last night." She said with a depressing sigh.
"Oh no..." I said.
"That's terrible..." I added.
"Yeah well the best part was Noah saw it too and he totally beat the shit out of Matt!! So that's another reason why they came home early." Haley said.
"Wait, Jacob and Tyler didn't kick them out though right?"
"No way! Jacob kicked Matt out though, and it was so funny because they are like really good friends. I seriously thought there was gonna be some crazy intense werewolf battle but nothing happened." Haley said.
"That's crazy!!" I told her.
**fastforward to later that night**
"Are you sure you don't wanna sleepover?"
"You know I would its just that I had a really rough night last night and I just need some sleep."
"Okay bye!" They drove away and I entered my house. There was a note taped to the basement door, "Honey, Bill and I went out to dinner and a movie. Won't be back till tonight. Love you! -Mom" I crumpled it up and threw it behind me. I arrived just in time as the dog was jumping up against the door and barking for me. I opened the door and it ran over and jumped on my bed. I went back upstairs to get some water and a snack for the both of us. I walked back down the stairs. I jumped, oh my god.