Full Moon

Chapter 8

"What the fuc-"
"Hey, girls don't swear it's not ladylike." Jason Reider was sitting on my bed.
"How did you get in here? Where's the dog?" Wait. I put 2 and 2 together and realized.
"Think about it." He said.
"You're the dog! Oh my god! This all makes sense now!"
"You're so smart."
"I didn't ask for sarcasm. Asshole. Get out of my room!" I walked over to him and kicked his leg.
"Ow you freak" he started laughing. He took the water bottle from my hands and drank it all in one swig. He threw the empty bottle at my head.
"Stop seriously. Leave, my parents wouldn't approve of me having a hormone-raging teenage boy in my room."
"Well, 1) your parents aren't home and 2) I didn't know that I would qualify as a boy that you wouldn't feel trustworthy enough with yourself to be alone with in your room. That's so sweet, thank you." He said. I gave up because I knew he wasn't going to leave. I sat down next to him on my bed making sure not the touch him.
"Why didn't you tell me in school? Now I know why Noah flipped out on you."
"Now why do you think that is?" He asked me.
"Because you're his best friend and you were visiting his sister at night in dog form and sleeping over. Not cool." I told him.
"Hey man it's not like we were fucking or anything...unless you want to because I wouldn't mind at all."
"You're a pig."
"No, I'm a dog. Get your animals right. Jesus. You know I was bummed you weren't at the party. I was looking forward to seeing you as some sort of sexy witch. But technically you wouldn't need a costume, you would just have to go as yourself."
"If you're trying to flirt with me it isn't working. Can you just leave now?"
"You see, I can't do that because I didn't get what I came here for."
"Oh? And what's that?" I turned and glared at him. He slipped his arm around my waist and before I could stop him he kissed me. It was a quick kiss and he slightly pulled away. But he stayed close just in case. I pulled him back close to me and pressed my lips up against his. I could feel him smile as I bit his lower lip causing him to let out a small moan. He pulled away to say, "So you're a bad witch?" I started laughing at how stupid he is. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me back farther on my bed. I pulled him on top of me as we kissed. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moaned as his hands rubbed my sides. They trailed down lower until the reached the hem of my shirt. I pulled his hair and he moaned. He slipped his hands under my shirt and went up to my bra. I picked a great day to wear my 'sexy' one from Victoria's Secret. He played with my straps as our tongues moved around battling with each other. I could feel something poking me below my waist. I moved my hips up against his. He returned the move making me moan. He slipped his hands under my bra. His lips trailed down from my lips to my neck. He started to suck by my collarbone making me moan. Either he's had experience or just watched a lot of porn. I feel like it was porn. I could tell there was going to be a mark. His hands started to lift up my shirt. I grabbed his wrists to stop him "Sorry.." he started to say. But I pressed my lips against his to shush him. I pushed him off me and got on top of him. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and grinded my hips against his. Noises kept escaping his lips, making me do it harder. His hands slipped down to my butt and he grabbed it, pressing my closer to his body. It felt right, but it also felt so wrong at the same time. "Jason.." I started to say. He stopped kissing me, "What?" He said.
"I don't think we should be doing this. I mean, my brother is your best friend. I mean, how would you feel if Max was hooking up with Stacey?" I laid down on the bed next to him.
"True..." He said sadly.
"So you're not mad?" He asked. I turned over on my side so I could look at him.
"Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know, maybe because I treat you like mad shit and then one day I just show up and shove my tongue down your throat."
"You know it's not as bad as it sounds."
"No." He smirked when I said that.
"It's just that, with Noah being your brother and everything...I don't think we could ever..."
"Your life doesn't revolve around him, Jason." He sighed.
"I know that but he's my best friend. Imagine what he would say." I can already imagine my brother killing him and its not pretty.
"You know what?"
"What?" He asked.
"Fuck Noah." I got on top of Jason and pressed my lips against his. He placed one hand in my hair and the other holding my waist/thigh area. He turned us on our sides. His lips started to roam my neck, biting and sucking every inch. My phone started to ring. It's Haley. I told Jason to stop as I answered but he didn't. "Hello?"
"Dude Nicole's in the bathroom, but guess what?!" I gasped really fast as he hit a good spot on my neck.
"What?" I asked.
"She totally just confessed her love for your brother!"
"Max?" Jason bit me. I tried not to make any sounds, but she heard one.
"No! Noah! And what are you doing?" She heard me tell him to stop.
"Who are you with? Are you with a boy?!!" I sat up and Jason stayed laying down. I sighed, "Well, yes kinda. He's technically half boy." I can imagine her making the same face Spongebob made when he found out Squidward liked krabby patties.
"Jason's at your house isn't he? Are you two..you know...getting to know each other better?"
"Oh my god Haley how did you know?" She just laughed. I hung up. I heard my parents come home. "Oh shit." I heard Noah and Max's voices as well.
"Double shit." Jason added. We got up and he walked over to my door leading outside. "Come over soon." I told him. I quickly grabbed a sharpie and wrote my number on a piece of paper. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. I stuck the paper in his back pocket. And he was gone. I ran over to my dresser and changed into pajamas. I jumped on my bed and turned off my light pretending to fall asleep. I just remember my mom coming in to check on me, then I drifted off.
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