Full Moon

Chapter 9

It was getting colder. November had come and gone faster than we had hoped it would. The first snow fall was nice. We were allowed to pass to the different buildings outside if we wanted too instead of the many passageways. Jason never called me or came back. I just assumed that it was a hook up and that he wanted nothing to do with me. And I (sadly) assumed right. He no longer sits next to me in math or anything. He and my brother are still friends, being in the same pack and all, but something changed. As for my other friends, Haley told me that Nicole started sneaking out at night to visit a boy. But she wouldn't tell any of us who it was, not even Nathan (being the fact that she was closer to him than I was and they actually talked about these kind of things). Noah became distant from me as well. Max was still Max. Moody towards everyone, mostly me. Noah found out about the hook up I had with his friend. But he wasn't mad at me, surprisingly enough. But there was something different about Noah that I've noticed, he seemed a bit happier (and he's a happy guy don't get me wrong, so this was creepy). Haley and Nathan were still going strong. Thank god. Some people still deserve to be sane.
The teachers started to act weird too. Like there was a question that no one knew the answer too. I started to hear rumors as well. That there was a rival school that wanted to be the only school around. And by around they meant in this state. Everyone keeps wondering if there's going to be a big war between us schools. Not that I don't care, but I have bigger things to worry about. My parents will be gone from Friday to Sunday and we'll be alone with the house to ourselves. Max and Noah want to throw a huge party. They can do whatever they want, I'll just lock myself in the basement. I was sitting in the back of the library by myself sketching in a notebook until Nicole and Haley came up to me. "We decided its time for a talk." Haley said.
"Actually it was Haley's idea but-" Nicole started to say.
"You guys, I'm fine."
"No your not! Dude you've been like borderline suicidal for like weeks." Haley whispered.
"I just don't wanna talk about it, that's all."
"Don't wanna talk about it, huh?" Haley said as she ripped the notebook from my hand. She and Nicole flipped through the pages and looked at all my drawings.
"So that's what he looks like as a dog? I've always wanted to know." Nicole said quietly.
"What happened?" Haley asked. I told them about what happened that night. Nicole just sat there. Haley said, "I knew something dirty was going on!" She smiled.
"But wait this makes no sense. If he acted like he really liked you then why would he do that?" Nicole asked.
"It's simple really. He did it to see if how far he could get her to go with him. Horny teenage boys don't like being virgins." Haley said. I laughed at her.
"It's still not fair." I said.
"We know it's not fair. But sometimes things happen for a reason." They got up and left me alone.