Terrible Things

Chapter 1

"I'm going to need you to sign in here, and fill out this paperwork as much as you can considering you don't have an adult with you." Said the nurse.
Her name tag said Kelly. She looked like she was in her mid-thirties and was African American. She had short black straight hair. I went over and sat down in a grey chair. I put my bag down next to me and clicked my pen looking at the paperwork. I read it and filled it out as I went along.

NAME: Sophia White

DOB: 2/13/96

ADDRESS: London's Home for Girls

I left the parents sections blank as I had no clue about anything about them. They could be dead for all I know. I left the medical history section blank as well.
"Sophia?" Nurse Kelly called out from the open door. I picked up my black messenger bag and followed her through the door. Little did I know that this year was the last year of my life.
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first chapterrrr :)