Terrible Things

Chapter 2

They ran test after test after test on me. Until they found the cause to all my problems. "You've tested positive for leukemia." My doctor stated. Dr White was a tall man with broad shoulders and dark brown hair. He had a chiseled face and brown eyes. For these last few days I've been around him almost every minute. It wasn't normal for doctors to stand around patients constantly as they got checked for what could've been anything that turns out to actually be something. But it felt right. I didn't understand at first. I played with the dark blonde/brown hair that was slung over my right shoulder in a messy ponytail as I waited in the waiting room for my paperwork to be ready to bring back to the home. I was shaking nervously as I pushed my black Ray Ban glasses into place. My doctor came over instead of Nurse Kelly.
"I know this is a personal question, but why have you been coming alone? Normally my patients don't enjoy receiving bad news on a daily basis without someone they love by their side." I didn't answer at first. "Come on, you can trust me. I'm your doctor."
"That sounds like something a child molester would say." He waited for me to continue. My voice cracked as I continued on, "And I live in a foster home. They don't have time to accompany me to the Hospital. So I take a bus and come alone. Happy?"
"I'm sorry to hear that. Here's your paper work, and in that case I'll walk you out." I grabbed my bag and my green army coat and followed him out. "Here's your next appointment. I'll be seeing you soon." I took the papers and gave a smile and left.
"Fuck me." I said as I walked towards the bus stop. The bus came and I got on along with an older gentleman and a younger black woman and what seemed to be her boyfriend. I took a seat towards the front alone. The ride wasn't very long, 10 minutes. I got off the bus and walked to my building. It was a crappy brick with a black door. I lived their with about 15 other girls. I was the oldest.
I opened the door and Alysha (like Elijah) ran towards me. She jumped up and I picked her up. She's black and has curly black hair that's always in pigtails. She's 4. Gabby ran over to me too. She's 7 and has long blonde hair with green eyes. I can tell she's going to be beautiful someday. All these girls will be.
"Where did you go? You didn't come home after school right away like you always do." Gabby asked. "I had a doctors appointment to go to."
"Oh! You're all healthy right?" I didn't say anything. I just said, "gabby take alysha and I'll be right back." I walked down the hallway to Ms. London's office. I opened the door and was greeted with the smell of cigarettes. The ash tray was full. Typical.
"I have some papers for you to sign." I slammed them down on the desk in front of her. She looked up from her computer. She's about 50 and has salt n pepper short hair. She looks alot older from years of smoking and her voice is all raspy too.
"What is this shit?"
"It's paperwork from the doctors." She picked up the diagnosis sheet and read it.
"Leukemia ugh? How long do you have?"
"I don't know." She signed the papers and said, "well when you find out let me know so I have time to clean up your area so another girl can take that spot." I just got up and left. I went into my tiny bedroom that I shared with Alysha and Gabby.
"Where are you going now?"
"The diner. I'll bring you girls home something okay?" I left bringing my bag and coat with me. I couldn't wait till I died.