Terrible Things

Chapter 3

*Dr White POV*

I was sitting at my desk when Kelly came over to me. "When are you going to tell her?"
"I have no clue what you're talking about."
"Bullcrap, Nick." I looked up at her, "I'm not going to say anything until I know for a fact."
"Then what are you waiting for?"
"Fine." I got up and left my office heading for the labs. "Dr. Marshall? I need you to run a paternity test for me."

*Sophia POV*

The diner was packed as usual. It was a Friday night and the football team had just won another game. I was sitting up at the bar doing chemistry homework. I could hear the cheerleaders laughing at everything the players were saying. But one I could point out from the rest. Amanda Jordan. She has long perfect straight black hair and tan skin and brown eyes. She wears a shit ton of makeup and is super skinny, shes a 32B and a size 2. Unlike me. I have dark blonde/brown hair and blue eyes. I wear Ray Ban glasses, a big nose, size 10 and a 38C/36D. Woohoo. I looked over at the football players. They all had a cheerleader on their arm. Brandon Cooper had two. His dad owns this restaurant. He has brown hair and blue-green eyes, he's tall. He's the quarterback. Amanda was stuck to him like glue. But they aren't dating. Yet anyway. One of the cheerleaders was looking at me and laughing to another girl. I packed up my things and paid for two kids cheeseburgers to go and left. I was walking home (didn't take the bus at night) when I heard my name being called. I turned around and Brandon Chambers was there. "Hey! How come I didn't see you at the game?"
"Because I have other things to do besides watch guys toss around a ball and tackle each other. Oh and I got diagnosed with leukemia so I didn't really feel like going. Sorry to disappoint." I turned around and started walking away. He ran infront of me and stopped me.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's whatever. I don't need your pity. Now leave before your girlfriend comes out here." But I knew he meant it. I could see it in his eyes.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"Okay Brandon." I tried to leave but he stopped me. "Do you think she likes me?" I literally wanted to jump into the traffic.
"She likes anything that has a penis and breathes. And you're popular and attractive so yes." He paused for a second. As did I. Oh fuck.
"You think I'm attractive?" That on coming pick up truck looks like it wants to run someone over tonight.
"Sure. Whatever you want." I turned around and walked away. He didnt stop me this time.

*Nick White POV*
"Congratulations Dr White, it's a girl."
"So the test IS positive?"
"Yes." I made him take samples of the blood we took from Sophia and he took blood from me.
"Wow. Uhm, thank you." I shook his hand and started back for my office.
"Someone looks happy. For once in their godforsaken life." Kelly said as she put on her coat and left to go home. For once, I felt happy. But then it hit me. She was dying. My daughter was dying.