Terrible Things

Chapter 4

I got back to the house to find all the girls except Gabby and Alysha in the living area watching TV. I went into our room to find them on Gabby's bed. She was reading to Alysha. "Hey. I brought you guys food." They thanked me and started to eat. We all went to bed early. Well, more like I went to bed so they did. I had another doctors appointment in the morning.

I woke up at 7:30. My appointment was at 9. I showered and got dressed. I had cereal for breakfast. Cause all orphans love cereal. I brushed my teeth, put on my makeup, grabbed my bag and coat and left closing the door quietly behind me. I took the bus this time. When I got there, I signed in. There was a different nurse there this time, her name was Joy. I sat for about 5 minutes when another nurse, named Gloria, called me in. I entered a room that had a bed in it. "Okay I need you to take off your clothes and put on this robe and get in the bed. Your doctor will be with you soon."
"Okay thanks." I put it on and put my clothes in my bag. The bed was comfortable enough to have to stay there for a few hours.
"Good morning, Ms White. Huh I never really realized we have the same last name. Weird right?" "Not as weird as you right now." I told my doctor as he sat down in a chair next to the bed.
"We are just gonna run some tests and start some chemo."
"Will I lose my hair?"
"It's too soon to tell. But there's actually something else that I want to talk about."
"I took the liberty of taking some tests...and they came back positive."
"Great. It seems like whenever something bad happens. Something even shittier happens. My life sucks you know that right?"
"I'm happy I'm dying because honestly I have nothing to live for!"
"I'm your father." I didn't say anything. I just laid there.
"I don't see it."
"Well you look more like your mother anyway."
"My mother was a crack whore."
"She wasn't when I met her."
"You mean when you screwed her and left her." He didn't say anything at first. Then he said, "There's more to the story than you know."
"Oh I doubt that." And with that he got up and left me. And just like that I was alone. It wasn't anything new. It was like this everyday.

I got dressed and left the hospital without saying goodbye to my doct-dad. I just didn't know how to feel about everything. Now that I have a father, I can leave the foster care, but that means I'd be leaving Gabby and Alysha. I walked to the nearby park and sat down at a picnic table. I pulled out my biology notes and started working on homework while listening to my iPod. I was working for a good 15 minutes until I noticed a sudden shade come over me. I pulled out one ear bud just in time to hear, "You're actually doing homework on a Saturday?" Kill me now please.
"Oh hi Brandon nice to see you too."
"Is this spot taken?" He asks as he points to the side of the table across from me.
"You're funny." He says as he sits down. We sat in silence as he watched me do homework.
"Stop staring at me, you're making me feel uncomfortable." I said as I glared at him.
"I'm sorry. You just look really cute when you're focused."
"Oh do I?" I said while putting my stuff in my bag.
"Yeah. You do this weird thing with your mouth where-" I got up and started to walk away hoping he would get the hint.
"Hey wait!" Jesus, Mary & Joseph.
"What!?" I said as I turned around.
"I don't get why you're playing so hard to get, I'm just trying to be nice."
"Look, Brandon, I'm not playing 'hard to get'. Get this through your head: I am dying. Okay? I don't have time to get attached to people." And with that I turned around and walked away and this time he didnt follow me.