Terrible Things

Chapter 6

*Nick's POV*

I paid the check and told my daughter to stand outside. "Dad please-"
"Go." I walked over to Brandon.
"Hey Brandon, come here for a second."
"Alright." Here goes nothing.
"You know Sophia?"
"Yes sir."
"Alright I'm gonna cut to the chase here. I saw the way you stared at her and her chest when we were all talking earlier. I know the look I was a teenage boy once too." He looked so embarrassed. Good. "Now that's my daughter. And if I ever find out that you hurt her or touch her or do anything that she doesn't want to do, I'll get you."
He swallowed and said, "Yes sir."
"So keep it in your pants, you got that?" He nodded his head. "You know she's sick right?"
"She told me but I don't know how serious it is."
"Alright just checking. Okay. Well I'm going to leave now, I don't want to keep her waiting much longer. Have a nice day, and remember, I'm watching you man."

*Brandon's POV*

Holy shit. I think I just soiled myself. Okay when we were all talking earlier, I didn't even look at her chest for that long. My eyes just happened to wander down there. He just said I couldn't sleep with her, but he never said anything about taking her out on a date.