Just One Dash


"Class today we will be bringing in two 6th year students that decided to make fools of them selfs in there class. Today joining us are Mr. Fred and George Weasley," Snape spoke in a drone voice that buzzed horrible in my ear.

I laughed. I was excited. The twins were smashing to say the least and were always a good time. If making me laugh was an olympic sport those two would take first every time. The only thing I was worried about was this class. With them in here I was sure to fail.

"Now Ms. Brocklehurst you'll have Fred as your partner and lets see... were to put George," Snape looked all around. Oh please not me, please not me. I need this class.

"Hmmmmm..." he smiled at me as I put my head down which was a bad idea. "Ah, Allyson," Crab apples... Well there goes any chances of me passing this class. "George go sit with Allyson she's your partner," his smile was evil.

"Hello Allyson fancey meeting you here," George gave me a wink and sat down. I gave a fake smile and Snape begain to go on and on about some potions test that was 90% of our grade and even one slip up and we'd get a failure in his class and that he was only going to tell us about this one time so if we didn't listen we were doomed.... wait what.... Oh my god... George has been here for 5 minutes and already my grades are doomed why me.

--------------------after class----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I tried to walk ahead of George and Fred. I tried talking to some other kids in my class to see if they had notes on Snapes lecture and all I got was a "maybe you should pay attention instead of flirting with George, Allyson," I wasn't distracted by HIM you fool I was distracted by the sounds in my own head. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Great I'm sure to get another howler at the end of this term," I talked to myself and walked down the hallway with my book to my face. Sigh. Next thing i know I had a double dose of Weasley to each side of me.

"Dear Allyson what seems to be the problem?" I was nudged from the right.

"Oh she seems to be in a bit of a rut," nudged from the left.

"Dang it guys..." I walked faster.

"Oh come on love we were only kidding," one of them said,

I turned around, "Okay guys, I love both of you but I really need this grade and I need which ever one of you is George," the one who called me love raised his hand. "I need you to take it serious okay, just please try for me," They both laughed

"Oh dear," George pulled out his notebook.

"What is this?" I looked at it. "Some prank plan or some tomfoolery?"

"Just open it love and keep your mouth shut," I opened right up and there were the exact directions to Snapes test. My jaw dropped. They laughed again. George closed the notebook and took it. They both waled pass me and up the stairs they went. Holy crabs this day has been full of surprises. I shook my head and followed and did George call me "love" what was that about.

Over the next couple of weeks George and I worked very hard on gathering ingedenants for our potion. We grew closer as friends and just like our collection my love for him begain to grow too. We had one week to complete the potion and the last and final Ingedent was mucus from a flobberworm. This was no big deal we simply had to ask Hagrid. He had plenty to spare.

It was raining outside so we had to run to the tiny shack the giant lived in. We both were dripping wet and cold. George knocked on the door.

"Ah a Weasley twin Ms. Allyson what are you two doing outside you'll catch your deaths in this storm," he guided us in. We took a seat on the old wooden couch. The room smelled like a zoo and the dog in the corner dooled enough to fill a olympic swimming pool.

"How can I help you both this evening," he filled to cups of what I hoped was tea. Then handed them to George and I.

"Well Professer Hagrid," George giggle and I continued talking "We were wondering if you had any flobberworm mucus,"

"Well of corse I do," he chuckled "Here," he handed me a hug jar of thick yellow liquid.

We walked our selfs out and back into the pouring rain.

"We should head back inside right?" I smiled at george who now carried the slim.

He grabbed my hand.

"George... why are you..?"

"Shut your mouth love and follow me?" He smiled and then dragged me to oppisite way.

-------------------------after a mile------------------------------------------------

We stood by the black lake. Normally I could see my face perfectly but due to the rain I could only see ripples.

"Why are we here?" I asked

He sat down the jar and grabbed my hand. I blushed. "Allyson," he looked deep into my eyes, "How do I put this," he looked at the lake, "You know when you do a prank or you make a joke and no one laughs, it's because your missing something that makes it worth wild,"

"Um.... okay and why couldn't you say this inside," I asked and tried to pull away.

"No let me finsh, thats what I feel when I'm not with you,"

"You feel like no ones laughing, George your pretty funny I'm sure people always laugh not just me,"

"No Allyson... sigh... I'm trying to say that you are the laughter in my prank called life, without you there is no point in even living just like when there isn't laugher theres no point in doing a prank you see," oh gosh what was happening.

"So all and all I want to say that over these past few weeks I've felt closer to you then I ever had with any other person other then Fred. I think I'm falling for you..." He smiled and pulled me closer. What could i say, I felt the same but, I couldn't be vulnerable with him.... no matter how much I wanted to kiss him... I had to think about it and not be spontanious.

"Come on George, I think it's best we go inside," I picked up the Jar and went running inside, George just stood there....

---------------------------due day----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I hadn't really spoked to him since that raining afternoon. We completed our project without saying a word. I had thought long and hard about George and his confession and I wanted so badly to scream "I LOVE YOU GEORGE WEASLEY!" every time I see him pass, but part of me knew that it wasn't a good idea. Then the day Snape went around to grade each potion. George and I just stood there with are cauldron.

"Are you ready to get graded," I broke the silence.

George looked away. Real mature might I add. Snape came up to us.

"Hello you two," He looked at our goop.

"Very impressive from both of you... you both pass," I jumped for joy

George just struged.

--------------end of class----------------------------------------

George went rushes out the door ahead of me. He didn't even wait for Fred.

"George!" I shouted

He kept walking.

"George for Merlins sake! Will you talk to me!?"

He turned around but walked backwards. "Why should I?! I pour my heart out to you and you walk away and don't even give me a clear responds what do you want me to say?! Ohhh wow woopty doo we passed the stupid bloody project! Is that all you even care about!? I thought you were specal! Clearly not so cause' a special girl wouldn't bloody walk away from a love confession would they?!"

he was loud and serious and it sort of scared me.

"Well!???!!!!?" he shouted. People walking by stared at me and him.

"I don't know what to say..." I muttered,

"Oh you don't know what to say? Oh my goodness big surprise! When talking actually is important then you choose when to keep your bloody mouth shu-" I was angry I couldn't hold it in anymore,

"YOU LISTEN HERE WEASLEY! I'm sooooo freakin sorry if it's not as easy for some people to open up as it is for the great and powerful KING GEORGE WEASLEY but, for some people like myself, we can't just jump into love like this is SNOW BLOODY WHITE! Okay? And maybe if you would have stop being so bull-headed and givin' me time to think if loving you was a right choice, but no, no you wouldn't understand "THINKING" would you? No of corse not cause' you don't you never EVER THINK! For you information I LOVE YOU I HAVE FOR AWHILE!!! Even right now as I'm fighting with you in the middle of the hall with," I touched my face "Yes these are tears. With tears rolling down my face I'm just imaging going over there and kissing your jerk-bag of a face!"

"REALLY!" he still had an angry voice

"Yes really!" I shouted back.

"Then do it prove me wrong!" He stopped walking. He pointed to his lips, "Come on do it? If your so brav-"

I grabbed him by the sweater collar and planted a big kiss right on his lips.He grabbed my waist and my arms went around his neck and my leg poped up. My body tingled and I knew for real that I loved you. The kiss let go and I still stood in his arms.

"Told you so" as I smiled
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Yea... it wasn't the best, but I hoped you liked it anyway. I also take request, for also any show, band, movie or video game.