Status: It's back.

Diary of a Lonely Emo Princess Who Has Everything but Hates Everyone and Everything


The Queen and King of Belfry weren’t sure where they went wrong. After they got help for their overly emo ways, they had led a relatively normal life. Sure, it was hard to get rid of the array of colourful skinny jeans and search for all of the hidden razors, but once they had done it they had felt much better.

Not long after their “unique” marriage on the boat, Ariel’s father had turned her into a human so she could live “happily ever after” with her “prince charming”. Yeah, nothing exactly went as planned for the parents of the two but at least they seemed “happy”.

Somehow in the middle of all of the kafuffle that the two still seemed to be causing, Ariel became pregnant with Belfry’s first price or princess. That finally seemed to be the turning point, and they were both completely normal from then on.

Because that totally always happens.

After the little princess was born, and named Melody, the three were a happy little family. The King and Queen did royal things, like making decrees and all the other crap that you hear about but never actually see, and raised their baby girl like any other normal royal parents would. But somewhere along the way, something obviously went horribly wrong.


“ARIEL!” A scream from a room high up in the castle. The Queen sighed and rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with the person the scream came from. Seconds later someone came pounding down the stairs, echoing the noise throughout the castle.

“Did you not hear me when I yelled at you?!” the girl with jet black hair and piercings up the ying-yang yelled from the middle of the kitchen. Ariel rolled her eyes again and shooed away her daughter with a hand.

“I heard you; I just chose to ignore you. Now go get something proper on, you have a party tonight,” The Queen said, whisking herself away in that royal wind that Queens always seem to have.

“Skinny jeans and band tees are proper, Ariel,” the girl said, stomping her foot and crossing her arms.

“We live in a castle, Melody. No one in their right mind would think that was proper,” Ariel yelled from another room, now thoroughly annoyed with her daughter. It didn’t seem to take much these days.

“UGH, I hate my life! I wish I was never born!” Melody yelled, stomping her way right back up the stairs. She banged and yelled and screamed for a few minutes until she emerged once again from her cave of a room, dressed in a long black dress, matching gloves, racoon eyes, backcombed hair, and a huge flowery, feathery barrette stuck somewhere inside.

If Lady Gaga was emo, she would look exactly like this.


Parties for Belfry royals were no little affair. The whole country seemed to be invited, though only half of them actually showed up, and the whole castle was filled with loud music and clinking glasses. Once the guests start arriving, the party was in full swing, but was only missing one thing.

Belfry’s beloved princess.

Every maid and butler in the castle searched for her, calling up and down the halls and even daring to enter her, ahem, less than cheerful room. Melody had demanded it be painted pitch black with a blood red accent wall once she was old enough to make decisions like that on her own, and no one dared to enter it unless completely necessary.

Meanwhile, Melody sat underneath the sink in her bathroom, sulking about her God forsaken life. Her racoon make-up had run with all the tears that had spilled out of her eyes, making her look even more emolicious. But even with her new, vamped up look, she didn’t want to go to a party. No one understood her there; they all just came to make her life even more miserable.
“Melody?!” someone called from right above her. She let out a big wail, obviously not too concerned about keeping her hiding place a secret, and was soon looking into the bright eyes of her mother. Melody crossed her arms over her chest and blubbered while Ariel sat there, trying not to roll her eyes.

Even in her emo days, she wouldn’t have hid under a sink.

“Melody, come out of there right now,” Ariel demanded, standing up straight and smoothing down her light purple dress. Melody blubbered some more, but shifted so she was sitting in the middle of the floor instead of hiding.

“Now, can you calm down and come greet your guests? They’ve all come here for you,” she said, looking down at her daughter on the floor.

“ALL THESE THINGS I HATE REVOLVE AROUND ME, JUST BACK OFF BEFORE I SNAP,” Melody yelled and then got up and ran out of the bathroom.

This is gonna be a long night.
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Yay, it's back!

Alright guys, I'm gonna say this once.

This is a joke.

Let us know what you think, but keep that in mind. (: