The Dulled Colours of the Rainbow

An old friend

It started like any other morning in the Pierce the Veil Bus Tour. The Warped Tour was amazing this year, and every band member got ready to go home to just relax. Everyone was at the table, eating breakfast, when there was a knock on the door. Mike stood up and went to the door to see who was it. There was only a white envelope with the words Pierce the Veil written neatly in black. He picked it up an went back to the table.
"Who was it, Mike?" Vic asked when he saw his little brother coming back with the envelope.
"I don't know, I just found this." he answered while gesturing to the envelope and sitting back at the table.
"What are you waiting for, then? Open it." Tony said.
Mike just nodded and tore open the top. He took out a folded letter and a picture. He put the picture aside and unfolded the letter instead. He cleared his throat and read:
Dear Pierce the Veil band members,
If you are reading this, I want to say thank you. So, I know that this might seem selfish, but I really need to ask you a favor. My stepdaughter is a big fan of yours, and she said your music saved her life more than once. She would have came to the Warped Tour to see you, but unfortunately, her illness acted up again. It is very bad, but I won't get into too much detail right now. Thing is, the doctors said there is a chance she won't survive the next time she goes to sleep, and she really wants to see you one more time. I know she met you.
You know her. She came to every concert, tour and performance of yours ever since you have been discovered, if I may say. She had you sign her things over and over again, and I think you would remember her.
I know this is huge and unfair of me to ask, but it would be amazing if you could come to see her. One visit. That's her last wish, and even though it tears me apart to say this, it might really be the last time she'll see her heroes. Because you are her heroes. So, please, please... I also put a picture of her in the envelope. Maybe you'll remember her. I understand if you can't come, but if you will, the adress is 31 railway street, the yellowish house.
Thank you for taking your time in reading this, and I want to also thank you for everything you did for her.
Maria Lopez

Mike lifted his eyes to see all the band members trying hard not to cry. He too, could feel the annoying, prickling sensation in his eyes. Vic took the picture from the table and recognition dawned onto his features.
"Guys..." he said and turned the picture to them. You could see all the members from the band, and a 12 years old girl in the middle. The photo was taken three years ago. The girl looked so happy. She had hazel nut eyes, with golden underlining in the iris, and a nice colour of chestnut, with blonde strands, in her hair. She had everything Pierce the Veil put on sale, and everything was signed. They all made funny faces at the camera.
Each member started remembering... They had so much fun that day. The girl was their youngest fan, and each one of them took their time in choosing and giving her a personalised present. Vic gave her a braided bracelet, which he himself made, Mike gave her a pair of drumsticks with all of their signatures on one, and the words Live life to its fullest, and follow your dreams on the other. Tony gave her a stuffed turtle, with Star Wars rocks on it, and Jaime gave her a smaller guitar signed on the back. It was pink and black, and had some paint streaks on it. They all remembered her telling them she could play the guitar and that she loved music and art. She had all her presents with her in the picture.
On the back it was written I will never forget the day these people saved my life for the first time. They stopped me from commiting... Beatrice Lopez
Now everyone was seriously getting teary eyed. The girl showed them how much they could do with their music. She has been the one inspiring them for so long...
"So what are we going to do now?" Jaime asked in the end. "Are we going to see her or...?"
"Of course we are seeing her!" Tony said. "She was our inspiration for so long and she has been with us through good and bad, and you are telling me you aren't going to do the same for her?!"
"Of course not" Vic said. "So, it's settled. Go get ready and we'll meet here in half an hour. We're going as soon as possible to see her."


Vic rang the doorbell, and waited. Two minutes later, a woman in her 30's answered. She was beautiful, but very tired. You could see the dark circles under her beautiful brown eyes, and the pain in them. When she looked at them, her eyes crinkled. She gave them her most brilliant smile and invited them in. Soon, the band members were pilled on the medium sized couch, while the woman sat on the armchair. She gave them all a cup of tea and then took one for herself. They st in awkward silence for a minute until she decided to speak.
"Thank you so much for taking your time and coming all the way over here to see my stepdaughter."
"What happened to her mother?" Jaime asked confused.
"Uh, threw her out of the house like a piece of garbage saying that if she looked for her father, who her mother hid information about 9 years, she should get out and never return. Also, it was right a day before she came to your concert." All the band members glanced at one another at this. "Her mother looked through her music and started saying stuff about how it is satanist and she shouldn't listen to something like this. She protected her music more than anything. Said it was an amazing music. Her mother played Carnaphernelia and said it's awful. I never saw Beatrice protecting something more than she did then. Protected your honor in front of her mother, and she used to be terrified of her. Not anymore. Ever since she got those presents from her, she started to stand up for herself and others. I think those presents gave her courage, showed her there was back-up when needed." Maria smiled a little to herself. Before she could say anything else, though, a little boy came running down the stairs.
"Mommy, mommy! It's really bad! She won't wake up, but she's screaming!" as if on cue, a terrified scream was heard from upstairs. Maria ran upstairs, Vic, Mike, Tony and Jaime following suit. What they saw when they entered broke their heart.
Beatrice was clenching the sheets, or clawing at her skin, screaming and tossing. Soon after she started coughing out blood and hyperventilating. Vic counted 56 breaths in 5 seconds and knew it was bad.
"Keep her down!" Maria shouted at them. She had an injection in her hand and tried to keep Beatrice down with the other. Mike and Tony reacted and each took care of one side of her. In their strong arms, Beatrice's movement was restricted. Unfortunately, in her unconscious state she saw them as a threat and panicked. Maria didn't loose a second and injected her. She became limp and Mike and Tony let her go, only to have her spring up, coughing blood and trying to catch her breath.
Vic came behind her and rubbed her back, saying "Easy darling, easy. It's alright." She calmed down soon and realized what was going on around her. She looked from the faces of her mother and brother to the relieved ones of the Pierce the Veil.
So she did the only thing she though of.
"What's going on? What happened?"
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So, I am new here, so just give me a chance ok? I will updsate asap, promise. Comment?