Status: In Progress


Chapter One

Chapter One

I am trying walk down the street nonchalantly, it is our three year anniversary and I am heading home with my gift for him: An all expenses paid group laser tag extravaganza at the local game shop. It was the biggest and best in the area, it is about the size of a large hospital. The game shop takes up the first floor, the laser take takes up the whole second floor, the game doesn't run unless there is at least 20 players -- or nobody'd be shot! It is an all climate jungle themed floor with trees and leaves and sticks and moss and fog, it's absolutely amazing! By the time I reached the front door to his apartment I was vibrating with excitement. I was reaching for my key when I heard a moan. As I was sliding the key into the lock I heard another one. I was advancing up the stairs quietly, I tried to pull all my graces out begging God to let it be his neighbor or roommate even though his roommate usually worked this time of day. I held my breath at his door, I put my hand on the doorknob and just stood there.

He was in there. I only realized I was crying when the little salty drops touched my arm. The sudden warm touch to my arm made me realize how cold I was. I looked down. Dark blue fuzzy pumps, a light blue dress and a little pink and yellow frilly polka dotted bra were strewn in front of me.

I dropped the laser tag certificate and covered my mouth. I shouldn't interrupt them, I thought; but it didn't matter, I heard her high pitched whisper, "I think I heard something, do you think she would be home?" I turned and left, I knew the voice. My best friend, Beth. I turned and began to walk away, I could feel myself shake, I do not know why I did not run but I walked out. He opened the door, I heard it, should I look? I thought.

I reached the front door, placed my hand on the knob and hesitated.

Where would I go? Normally the victim seeks comfort with her best friend, eating breakup ice cream, watching crappy old horror flicks, complaining about how evil he was and going out to have hot steamy unattached sex with potential STD magnets. I am alone in this. I moved out here to Washington to live with him, my family is based out in a small town in the middle of nowhere on a secluded island off of Maine. My family urged me to go, paying for my trip completely, they wanted me out of their hair. They were rich and had too much money then they knew what to do with. I grew up with it and drowned in it. I learned how much they hated me but I never knew why.

"Vi?" My thoughts shattered, I needed clothes anyway. His voice was slightly higher than usual, like a scared child who'd just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. In my best friends cookie jar. I turned to look at my man. He was pretty, I always thought he was too good to be true anyway. He has his easy blue eyes, and typical sandy blonde hair. He worked hard everyday for the four-pack abs that you could barely tell were there. He was chubby when I met him, so what he has now is such an improvement, I was so proud. I am so proud.

"Jack?" My voice sounded so foreign, it squeaked and it was not mine.

"Vi..." He sighed pulling his hand through his hair, he advanced to me and touched my face. I felt myself cringe away from him like he slapped me. His face looked like I slapped him.
" I need some clothes. Tell Beth to put some on please." My voice returned to normal, but he did not move, just watched me.

"Violet.. I.."

"Don't" it was a whisper, I closed my eyes and tilted my head downward. I took two steadying breaths and pushed past him. I walked up the stairs lightly, I wanted to stomp and scream and throw tantrums but as I looked up the stairs, as I saw my best friend laying in MY bed... I realized how we must not have been connecting. I remembered how I thought he had another girl, I asked about it and he said no... I trusted him, but I knew. It was not hurting me as much as someone could expect.

"Vi!" Beth sat up startled, hugging my delicate sea-foam green sheets to her chest. I could never hate sea-foam green any less than in this moment. I walked to the closet grabbing a bag, I began to put jeans and T-shirts and undergarments and things in it. Beth was trying to talk to me, I had no idea what she was saying. I hadn't realized Jack had come in until he touched my arm. I jumped. I met his eyes, they were not so easy now, I tried to pass him but he grabbed my arm.

"Violet I'm sorry. Don't go. Please." I was breaking, I tried to pull away, I stared at the floor. "Vi, please.." I reeled, I slapped him.
"How could you? With HER? How could you?" I turned to Beth momentarily, returning my anger to Jack,"You lied to me. I knew. I knew three months ago. She left her undies. I complained about it to her and I never thought it was her. Not once. That was my mistake. I'll learn. But you won't. You won't learn. Once a cheater always a cheater. You are going to miss me. You are." I stalked off to the bathroom grabbing essentials, I stuffed them in a backpack, moving some of the clothes from the previous bag into the backpack. I walked to the vanity and grabbed my most precious keepsakes and a phone charger, I grabbed a box that I had been filling for vacation money, last time I counted it had $632.25 in it. I zipped the bag and stood up, looking in the direction of the two people in the room who betrayed me. Beth had fallen backwards, her blonde hair spewed across the pillows, her green eyes looking up at the roof. I am sure she was crying. Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed his hands in his head. I whispered a small goodbye to then both and left the room and this life.