Status: active


The Killing Lights

Three AM on the city street was a lonely place to be. Avery had no idea why she had listened to a piece of paper dictating what time she should be searching for a place with three black rabbits in a circle. The streets glistened under the killing lights of the lampposts and near by store fronts. It had rained earlier, and the ground gave off that fresh scent.

She walked along, staring down at the piece of paper in her hands. She'd never seen anywhere with a logo containing three black rabbits. The significance was mysterious. She stopped walking, and stared down at the piece of paper still. Folding it up, she kept her head down and her eyes cast on the drowning sidewalk. By her feet was a watery chalk drawing of three black rabbits in a circle. When she looked up, Davey was standing before her.

"You made it, I see." He stated, not bothering to take a step forward to greet her. He simply kept his hands in his jacket pockets and stared at her with those brown eyes of his. They looked so dark, they almost appeared black, like the rest of his outfit.

"What am I doing here?" She asked him.

He turned on his heel and began walking away from her without an answer.

She quickened her pace and caught up, stepping into stride next to him. "Are you going to answer my question?" She asked.

From beneath his jacket, he pulled out a large bottle of alcohol and handed to her. "For you." He said. "Drink up. We have a long night ahead of us."

She didn't understand. He was refusing to answer her questions and he handed her a bottle of wine from out of nowhere. What kind of person was he exactly?

She shook it off, deciding maybe a drink or two would do her good. She could start to get her mind of the strange aura surrounding Davey and maybe try to have fun with him. Because of how strange he was, it only made her more interested. She wanted to know everything hidden in the depths of his mind. She wanted to peer into his dreams, his memories, and feed on his deepest secrets.

Suddenly, he stopped walking. Avery found him standing in front of glass double doors to an apartment complex building.

"Am I beautiful?" He asked her with a look of all seriousness written on his face.

She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Of course you are."

He smiled slightly at her answer, but then the corners of his lips dropped and formed a flat line. "Am I usable?"

She didn't know how to respond to that. She barely knew him. How was she supposed to judge his personality like that already? He had barely given her any personality to work with.

He dropped the question and led her inside. They trudged up two flights of stairs to reach his apartment on the second floor. Avery kept sipping on the bottle he had given to her. She had told herself it would only be a few sips, but something about the liquid made her crave more. She felt obligated to consume it all in order to satisfy herself.

As soon as Davey shut the door behind her, everything became dark. She felt her body drop to the floor and the bottle slip out of her hands. She didn't know what had happened. All she knew was she couldn't wake up.


Five AM on the bathroom floor from the night before with Davey kneeling over her was how she found herself after passing out in his living room hours earlier.

"Do you find me dreadful?" Davey stared into her eyes with his own.

Her mind was still foggy and her head was throbbing with pain. She didn't know who or what this man kneeling over her was. He asked the most un-relevant questions and kept a stone wall built around him.

She lifted herself onto her elbows and managed to speak only a single word. "Yes."
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So I'm glad at least like 5 people are subscribed to this. I actually didn't expect that to happen. If I get comments, that would be like really cool. Let me know what you think. I know this is definitely a strange idea but it's pretty cool. If you want me to do another album, let me know. I would love to do another AFI album story like this or if you have another band in mind, comment it.