On The Way Down

Chapter One

I was brutally awakened by the sound of my door yanked open and by the shrill “good morning” my mom induced. I grunted and pulled my covers over my face, not caring if I suffocated myself under the thick blanket.

I only had about 30 seconds before the blanket was ripped off me and replaced with the piercing blue eyes of my mom, ones that matched my own.

“Mother please!” I shrieked desperately looking for the blanket she tore off my pajama clad body.

“Riley, get up! We need to leave soon! Your father has already packed the bags into the car” She said swatting me on my butt before she walked out of my room.

I groaned as I threw my feet over the side of my bed and slipped my feet into the cozy slippers that always resided on the right side of my bed. I stood up stretched and letting a cat like noise slip from my lips. I huffed and walked into my bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and stepping into a steaming shower.

I heard my mom yelling at dad to hurry the heck up and I chuckled. I wrapped my dark chestnut colored hair into a towel before I walked to my closet taking out a pair of slightly distressed denim jean shorts. I pulled them on and then yanked on my Stanley Cup Champs tee over my tan top half. I quickly retreated to my bathroom to remove my towel, letting my hair tumble down my back in soft, still damp, waves. Putting on the bare minimum of make-up which consisted of some eyeliner and mascara I was soon ready to go.

I grabbed my bag and slipped on flip flops before exiting my room. I walked down my long hall careful to avoid looking at the room to the right of mine.

The room that brought the ultimate sadness to my heart.

The room that would NEVER be the same.

I thumped down the stairs where my parents were grabbing some last minute snacks.

“Good morning sweetheart” My dad said pressing a warm kiss to the top of my head.

It pained me to see the resemblance between them.

Why did it have to happen?

“Morning dad!” I said cheekily as I grabbed some toast my mom had made.

“Let’s get a move on! We’ve got loads of driving to do” My mom shuffled us out through the door.

As we made our way to the garage we passed my High School Diploma freshly mounted on the wall. I smiled at it.

Riley Piska. Class of 2013.Graduated with Honors

Hell yeah. Honors.

I got in the back of our SUV as my parents filled in their spaces in the front.

Yes, me an 18 year old girl, recent high school graduate, is going on a road trip with her parents.

We were leaving our Chicago side home and traveling to Pittsburgh to visit my Aunt Bez.

Her son, my 15 year old cousin Alex was playing in a Hockey Tournament and their team had made it to the finals.

Hockey. Hockey. Hockey.

My family used to seem to revolve around that word.

Oh I can’t take you, Jake has practice today.

My brother has a hockey game today, maybe another day?

I don’t mean to brag but my son has the best slapshot.

That was, before the accident.

I remember getting called out of my sophomore Algebra class, little did I know, my family would never be the same after that day.


My Parents came to pick me up teary eyed. No one said a word, we sat in silence as my dad drove to the hospital.

“Riles… Your brother. He’s been in an accident” My mother spoke softly, but the wavering of her voice didn’t go unnoticed.

My heart sunk. My previous thoughts and questions had been confirmed.

Shortly we were in his hospital room. The beeping of the machines made goosebumps prick at my arms.

“Riley” His electric blue eyes landed on me as we walked into the room.

His eyes. They seemed so dim.

My own eyes filled to the brim with unshed tears that had been threatening me all afternoon.

Please God. Don’t take my brother away from me.

I sat on the chair that was next to his bed and let the tears fall. They fell onto our intertwined hands as I let myself sob.

I held his hand as he drifted in and out of a painful sleep.

I held his hand as a heard the doctor whisper to my parents that he wasn’t going to make it.

I held his hand as he took his last look at me and spoke with his soft voice, “Riley, listen to me. Don’t EVER give up on hockey. I know I can’t continue playing, watching or loving it… but you baby sister, can. Don’t let it turn from a thing you love to the moon and back to a thing that you despise. All of you, please just don’t give up. It’ll keep me alive inside of you guys. I love you”

I held my brother’s hand as he left us with a plea for the future and 3 broken hearts.

End of Flashback

Those hearts were now slowly mending. We never did let him down. We kept hockey alive in our family just as we kept him alive in our hearts.

My dad coached the junior hockey team at our local park district.

My mom volunteered at every hockey game helping with concessions.

And me, I dedicated the rest of my high school education to my brother. I worked harder than I ever had, trying to get good grades with one goal set in mind.

I was now going to UIC for their physical therapy program.

I had my goal since I left the hospital on the horrific day, I was going to make it to the NHL.
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So I'm starting a new story :) Hope you guys like it!