Status: be patient I'm working slowly

I Was a Dreamer before You Went and Let Me Down

Breaking down and Coming Undone it’s a Roller Coaster Kind of Rush


“Wow, they just don’t cease to amaze me” Amy says and a few people sitting around the bar agree

“Who are we talking about?” I say snapping out of a trance and a couple people laugh

“The Blackhawks Jesy, they just won for the second time this weekend, were you not paying attention?” she says rolling her eyes

“I’ve been thinking about nacho’s for 4 hours Amy” I bite back “It’s a little hard to pay attention when the guy in the front row is eating them, I wanted to crawl through the tv” she just shakes her head with a smirk

“Jon’s coming into town tomorrow isn’t he?’ Jamie asks as we clean up after last call and I nod “I can’t believe he’s crazy enough to play back to back games and then instead of taking a day off fly here. I’m jealous”

“Well we were on the phone the other day and he’s concerned about my puking, I don’t think he understands that morning sickness is probably gonna happen and maybe he shouldn’t call me at 8am just cause he’s up for practice”

“He isn’t participating in no shave November is he?” I just shrug my shoulders “I hope not, he did the mutton chops during the play-offs, so not a good look” Amy says and I nod in agreement

“I mean really they’re like starting the 3rd week of November now right?” Jamie asks and we both nod “Ok I mean really scruff should be fully intact by now but have you seen some of the instagram pictures, there’s some players with a pedo-stash going on”

“Oh God, some of them look ridiculous! And others look weird without it, like Mike Weber he looks so good with scruff and he looks so juvenile without it! Steve Ott too” I say with a laugh “Oh have any pictures surfaced of Tyler Ennis? Please tell me yes I need to see this it’s gonna be bad and I want to laugh, he’s such a nice guy but I mean come on”

“It’s gonna be all blonde and patchy!” Jamie howls in laughter “Oh man it’s gonna be the blonde version of Sid’s playoff beard”

“He’s one of the nicest guys on the team though guys so we should stop making fun of him” Amy says trying not to laugh still

“Alright guys I think this is clean enough for now, I don’t know about you guys but I’m tired we can finish the rest in the morning, about 10:30 or 11 sound good to you guys? I’ll make breakfast” I say and they both nod “Ok and then Jon’s plane is landing at 1pm so I know I was supposed to work with you tomorrow Jaime but will you cover it for me Amy?”

“Sure no problem Jesy” she says and I smile yawning and heading up the stairs to go to bed


I shuffle into the airport with just a carry on with a few things in it to stay for a couple of days in Buffalo. The airport is packed with people traveling home from weekends spent away for Veterans Day; I shrug off my coat with the heat in the airport.

When I finally get onto the plane I sink down into my seat glad to be out of the claustrophobic situation a busy airport can be I stretch out and relax waiting for the plane to take off. I doze off and wake up to the announcement to put seat belts on for landing.

Exiting the airport to find Jesy’s car I stop to put my coat back on the air in Buffalo being colder than I expected, I find her car easily and wave to her making my way to car.

“Hey sweetheart” I say opening the car door the blast of heat hitting me as I climb in beside her

“Hi, how was your flight?” she asks without looking at me as she tries to get out of the congested parking lot of the airport.

“Not bad, pretty much your average flight” I say and we both go quiet as she hits yet more traffic

When we make it back to her apartment she turns the oven on and puts a movie in the DVD player


I let out a sigh as the movie ends and get up to check on dinner “Should be done soon” I say pulling the meat thermometer out of the roast.

“How’re you feeling?” Jon asks entering the kitchen searching for a glass

“Fine, glasses are in the cabinet next to the fridge” I say as I strain the broccoli into the sink he just smiles and turns there

“Would you like a drink?” he asks and I nod while carefully pulling the roasting pan out of the oven “Smells amazing Jesy” I smile opening the cupboard above my head to reach down a platter “Oh, let me get it sweetheart” he says reaching down the platter for me

“Thanks” I say quietly plating the meat quickly and moving to set the dining room table

We eat in a comfortable silence and as we are cleaning up my phone chimes signaling a text message “Jon can you read that for me?” I say nodding towards my phone as I rinse another dish in the sink

“Sure” he says sliding his finger across my touch screen “It’s from Amy, she asking if you can come downstairs, apparently they’re having a blue label crisis? What’s a blue label crisis?”

“Johnny Walker blue label, we have one guy that likes the stuff and I don’t like to spend the money for it for just one guy to drink it so I only buy like one bottle and he flips when its gone. Give me 20 minutes I’ll handle it” I say drying my hands

“I could take care of it for you, I’m sure he’ll stop complaining when he sees a hockey player coming”

“I appreciate that, but this guy is harmless, 20 minutes I promise” I say and kiss his cheek

“Alright, I’m timing you” he says pulling out his phone and I laugh

“You’re a goofball” I smack him playfully and my phone chimes again “Ok, I really gotta get downstairs”

“Alright, hurry back” he says as I open the door sliding on flip flops to go down the stairs I smile closing it behind me “I love you” I hear through the door and I freeze for a moment my hand on the door knob debating opening the door again. I am not ready for this or the confrontation opening this door will cause, I let go and make my way down the stairs.

By the time I make it to the bottom of the 13 stairs I’m in full panic mode. I take a moment at the door to compose myself and when I open it I see Amy handing out a beer to a guy at a table while Jamie argues with blue label

I walk over to the bar and stand behind her she turns to me and sighs exasperated

“Sir, I tell you this constantly at the cost for the Johnny Walker you want I can’t afford to only have you drinking. I am a small time bar owner centered around hockey if you want Johnny Walker blue go to Chippewa” both the guy and Jamie just stare at me for a moment “Did I stutter? I don’t think so, goodbye” the man gets up and leaves and I sigh

“What was that about? That was so not like you” Jamie says as Amy turns behind the bar

“Ya ok Jesy? You look like you’re freaking out” Amy says

“I am freaking out!” I almost yell “I’m pregnant with Sidney Crosby’s baby, I just kicked the only customer that comes in here willing to pay $30 a shot out of my bar, and Jonathan Toews is sitting in my living room like he didn’t just say he loved me as I was walking out the door” I ramble out and Jamie and Amy look at me wide eyed.

It’s still kind of early and there’s only a few people in the bar, with no game on tonight and most people out of town for Veterans Day I wasn’t expecting many anyway. In a flash they shoo the last few people out of the bar claiming an emergency meeting with the boss and lock the door.

“Ok so” Jamie says “He loves you”

“I don’t see why this is a bad thing he’s perfect” Amy says “I’m jealous”

“That’s just it. He’s sensible and so incredible, he respects my space, calls when he says he will, my parents love him, he seems to say everything I need to hear and honestly I couldn’t ask for anything better. He’s charming and endearing and I’m….. comfortable” I say running a hand through my hair

“I’m still not seeing the problem” Jamie says and I sigh irritated

“He can’t see the smile I’m faking because I don’t feel anything at all and I’m sick of it and I can’t keep doing this to him because he’s perfect but he’s not perfect for me!” I end my rant throwing my hands up in the air dramatically

“Good to know” I hear a male voice and my head whips around to see Jon standing at the door, he shakes his head and turns for the door

“Jon! Wait!” I yell after him and head towards the door; he’s already at the top of the stairs putting his shoes back on “What are you doing?”

“Going back to Chicago” he says simply

“Jon we need to talk about this don’t you think?”

“Nope I think you said it all”

“Jon! You’re being irrational” I say making my way up the stairs

“I’m being irrational? You’re the one that runs out of your apartment and about bolts down the stairs after I tell you what I feel and then you spill to your best friends that you don’t care anything about me instead of just being an adult and breaking up with me, but I guess I was just a rebound, a person to use when Crosby comes around because heaven forbid you just tell him he hurt you”

“You weren’t a rebound” I mumble

“Weren’t? Past tense, not aren’t”

“Don’t twist my words Jon”

“I’m not”

“Jon I didn’t want this to happen I swear to you, you were never used as a rebound! How much of that did you hear?” he shrugs and I sigh “Did you hear when Amy said she was jealous? Did you hear me tell them how perfect you are all your best qualities?” he shakes his head “I’m sorry, if you want to leave I don’t blame you. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before I really am, but I’m happy that everything I’ve been bottling up is out now”

“So it’s over”

“I think we both know that, and this may sound calloused but I’m not sorry that it is, I’m more sorry for the way I let it end. That I let it get this far, if you hate me I don’t blame you”

“I don’t hate you, and I never will” he says planting a soft kiss on my forehead before walking down the stairs he opens the door and gets in the cab waiting outside
♠ ♠ ♠
Song title and part of the lyrics are mentioned in the chapter is "The Way I Loved You" By Taylor Swift. I have been avoiding writing this chapter because I very much so love Jonathan Toews and so I regretted using him in this story because I didn't want to do this. However my best friend has been trying to make me write this for at least a month just to get it over with and she finally got me to write it and it got her stamp of approval as "very in character" for the way I've written Jesy and Jon, hopefully you all felt the same and hopefully I get a chance to write during the week :) enjoy